target.F90 File Reference

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module  target_oct_m

Data Types

type  target_oct_m::target_t


subroutine, public target_oct_m::target_init_propagation (tg)
 This routine performs all the things that must be initialized prior to a forward evolution, regarding the target. Right now some of those initializations are not done here, and should be moved. More...
subroutine, public target_oct_m::target_get_state (tg, st)
 This just copies the states_elec_t variable present in target, into st. More...
subroutine, public target_oct_m::target_init (gr, kpoints, namespace, space, ions, qcs, td, w0, tg, oct, ep, mc)
 The target is initialized, mainly by reading from the inp file. More...
subroutine, public target_oct_m::target_end (tg, oct)
subroutine, public target_oct_m::target_output (tg, namespace, space, gr, dir, ions, hm, outp)
subroutine, public target_oct_m::target_tdcalc (tg, namespace, space, hm, gr, ions, ext_partners, psi, time, max_time)
 Calculates, at a given point in time marked by the integer index, the integrand of the target functional: \( <Psi(t)|\hat{O}(t)|Psi(t)> \). More...
subroutine, public target_oct_m::target_inh (psi, gr, kpoints, tg, time, inh, iter)
 Calculates the inhomogeneous term that appears in the equation for chi, and places it into inh. More...
real(real64) function, public target_oct_m::target_j1 (tg, namespace, gr, kpoints, qcpsi, ions)
 Calculates the J1 functional, i.e.: \( <Psi(T)|\hat{O}|Psi(T)> \) in the time-independent case, or else \( \int_0^T dt <Psi(t)|\hat{O}(t)|Psi(t)> \) in the time-dependent case. More...
subroutine, public target_oct_m::target_chi (tg, namespace, gr, kpoints, qcpsi_in, qcchi_out, ions)
 Calculate \( |chi(T)> = \hat{O}(T) |psi(T)> \). More...
integer pure function, public target_oct_m::target_mode (tg)
integer pure function, public target_oct_m::target_type (tg)
integer pure function, public target_oct_m::target_curr_functional (tg)
logical pure function, public target_oct_m::target_move_ions (tg)
logical pure function target_oct_m::is_spatial_curr_wgt (tg)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_density (gr, kpoints, namespace, space, tg, stin, td, restart)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_density (tg)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_output_density (tg, namespace, space, mesh, dir, ions, outp)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_density (gr, kpoints, tg, psi)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_density (tg, gr, kpoints, psi_in, chi_out)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_tdcalc_density (tg, gr, kpoints, psi, time)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::jcurr_functional (tg, gr, kpoints, psi)
 Calculates a current functional that may be combined with other functionals found in function target_j1. More...
subroutine target_oct_m::chi_current (tg, gr, kpoints, factor, psi_in, chi)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_velocity (gr, namespace, ions, tg, oct, td, ep)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_velocity (tg, oct)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_output_velocity (tg, namespace, space, gr, dir, ions, hm, outp)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_velocity (tg, ions)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_velocity (gr, tg, chi_out, ions)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_tdcalc_velocity (tg, hm, gr, ions, psi, time, max_time)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_hhg (tg, namespace, td, w0)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_hhgnew (gr, namespace, tg, td, ions, ep)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_hhg (tg)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_output_hhg (tg, namespace, space, gr, dir, ions, hm, outp)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_hhgnew (tg, oct)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_hhg (tg, namespace)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_hhgnew (gr, tg)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_hhg (chi_out)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_tdcalc_hhgnew (tg, gr, psi, time, max_time)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_tdcalc_hhg (tg, namespace, space, hm, gr, ions, ext_partners, psi, time)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_groundstate (mesh, namespace, space, tg, td, restart, kpoints)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_groundstate ()
subroutine target_oct_m::target_output_groundstate (tg, namespace, space, gr, dir, ions, hm, outp)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_groundstate (tg, gr, psi)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_groundstate (tg, gr, psi_in, chi_out)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_excited (mesh, namespace, space, tg, td, restart, kpoints)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_excited ()
subroutine target_oct_m::target_output_excited (tg, namespace, space, gr, dir, ions, hm, outp)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_excited (tg, namespace, gr, psi)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_excited (tg, namespace, gr, psi_in, chi_out)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_gstransformation (gr, namespace, space, tg, td, restart, kpoints)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_gstransformation ()
subroutine target_oct_m::target_output_gstransformation (tg, namespace, space, gr, dir, ions, hm, outp)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_gstransformation (tg, gr, psi)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_gstransformation (tg, gr, psi_in, chi_out)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_exclude (mesh, namespace, space, tg, td, restart, kpoints)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_exclude ()
subroutine target_oct_m::target_output_exclude (tg, namespace, space, gr, dir, ions, hm, outp)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_exclude (gr, tg, psi)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_exclude (tg, gr, psi_in, chi_out)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_userdefined (gr, namespace, tg, td)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_userdefined ()
subroutine target_oct_m::target_output_userdefined (tg, namespace, space, gr, dir, ions, hm, outp)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_userdefined (tg, gr, psi)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_userdefined (tg, gr, psi_in, chi_out)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_local (gr, namespace, tg, td)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_local (tg)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_output_local (tg, namespace, space, mesh, dir, ions, outp)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_local (mesh, tg, psi)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_local (tg, mesh, psi_in, chi_out)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_tdlocal (gr, namespace, tg, td)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_tdlocal (tg)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_output_tdlocal (tg, namespace, space, gr, dir, ions, outp)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_tdlocal (tg)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_tdlocal (chi_out)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_tdcalc_tdlocal (tg, gr, psi, time)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_build_tdlocal (tg, gr, time)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_classical (ions, namespace, tg, td, oct)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_end_classical (tg)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_output_classical
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_classical (tg, qcpsi)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_classical (tg, qcpsi, qcchi, ions)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_init_spin (tg, namespace)
real(real64) function target_oct_m::target_j1_spin (tg, gr, psi)
subroutine target_oct_m::target_chi_spin (tg, gr, psi_in, chi_out)


integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_groundstate = 1
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_excited = 2
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_gstransformation = 3
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_userdefined = 4
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_jdensity = 5
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_local = 6
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_td_local = 7
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_exclude_state = 8
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_hhg = 9
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_velocity = 10
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_hhgnew = 12
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_classical = 13
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_tg_spin = 14
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_targetmode_static = 0
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_targetmode_td = 1
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_no_curr = 0
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_curr_square = 1
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_max_curr_ring = 2
integer, parameter, public target_oct_m::oct_curr_square_td = 3