The following data type contains: (a) the pseudopotential parameters, as read from a *.hgh file, (b) auxiliary intermediate functions, to store stuff before passing it to the "ps" variable.
The following data type contains: (a) the pseudopotential parameters, as read from a *.hgh file, (b) auxiliary intermediate functions, to store stuff before passing it to the "ps" variable.
Definition at line 144 of file ps_hgh.F90.
character(len=256), private | title |
integer, private | pspdat |
integer, private | pspcod |
integer, private | pspxc |
integer | lmax |
integer, private | mmax |
real(real64), private | r2well |
| HGH parameters. More...
character(len=5), private | atom_name |
integer | z_val |
real(real64) | rlocal |
real(real64), dimension(0:3), private | rc |
real(real64), dimension(1:4), private | c |
real(real64), dimension(0:3, 1:3, 1:3) | h |
real(real64), dimension(0:3, 1:3, 1:3) | k |
type(valconf_t) | conf |
integer | l_max |
| Maximum l for the Kleinman-Bylander component. More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | vlocal |
| Local potential. More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | kb |
| KB projectors. More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | kbr |
| KB radii. More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | rphi |
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable, private | eigen |
type(logrid_t) | g |
| Logarithmic grid parameters. More...
◆ title
character(len=256), private ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::title |
private |
◆ pspdat
integer, private ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::pspdat |
private |
◆ pspcod
integer, private ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::pspcod |
private |
◆ pspxc
integer, private ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::pspxc |
private |
◆ lmax
integer ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::lmax |
private |
◆ mmax
integer, private ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::mmax |
private |
◆ r2well
real(real64), private ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::r2well |
private |
◆ atom_name
character(len=5), private ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::atom_name |
private |
◆ z_val
integer ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::z_val |
private |
◆ rlocal
real(real64) ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::rlocal |
private |
◆ rc
real(real64), dimension(0:3), private ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::rc |
private |
real(real64), dimension(1:4), private ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::c |
private |
real(real64), dimension(0:3, 1:3, 1:3) ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::h |
private |
real(real64), dimension(0:3, 1:3, 1:3) ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::k |
private |
◆ conf
type(valconf_t) ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::conf |
private |
◆ l_max
integer ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::l_max |
private |
Maximum l for the Kleinman-Bylander component.
Definition at line 165 of file ps_hgh.F90.
◆ vlocal
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::vlocal |
private |
◆ kb
real(real64), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::kb |
private |
◆ kbr
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::kbr |
private |
◆ rphi
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::rphi |
private |
◆ eigen
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable, private ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::eigen |
private |
type(logrid_t) ps_hgh_oct_m::ps_hgh_t::g |
private |
Logarithmic grid parameters.
Definition at line 174 of file ps_hgh.F90.
The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: