Definition at line 186 of file pcm.F90.
logical, public | run_pcm |
| If .true., PCM calculation is enabled. More...
integer, public | tdlevel |
| flag to use non-equilibrium TD-PCM, either inertial/dynamic split or EOM More...
integer, public | n_tesserae |
| Total number of tesserae. More...
type(pcm_tessera_t), dimension(:), allocatable, public | tess |
| See type pcm_tessera_t. More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable, public | q_e |
| polarization charges due to the solute electrons More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable, public | q_e_in |
| inertial polarization charges due to the solute electrons More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable, public | v_e_rs |
| PCM potential in real-space produced by q_e(:) More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable, public | v_n_rs |
| PCM potential in real-space produced by q_n(:) More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable, public | v_ext_rs |
| PCM potential in real-space produced by q_ext(:) More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable, public | v_kick_rs |
| PCM potential in real-space produced by q_kick(:) More...
real(real64), public | epsilon_0 |
| Static dielectric constant of the solvent. More...
real(real64), public | epsilon_infty |
| Infinite-frequency dielectric constant of the solvent. More...
integer, public | which_eps |
| Dielectric function model, either Debye or Drude-Lorentz. More...
logical, public | localf |
| Logical flag to include polarization charges due to external field. More...
logical, public | solute |
| Logical flag to include polarization charges due to the solute. More...
logical, public | kick_like |
| Logical flag to consider kick-like polarization due to kick. More...
integer, public | counter |
| used to print the number of SCF or TD iterations in energy_calc More...
integer, public | iter |
| update iteration counter More...
real(real64), public | dt |
| time-step of propagation More...
integer | n_spheres |
| Number of spheres used to build the VdW cavity. More...
type(pcm_sphere_t), dimension(:), allocatable | spheres |
| See type pcm_sphere_t. More...
real(real64) | scale_r |
| scaling factor for the radii of the spheres used in PCM More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | matrix |
| static PCM response matrix (for epsilon_0) More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | matrix_d |
| dynamical PCM response matrix (for epsilon_infty) More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | matrix_lf |
| static PCM response matrix (for epsilon_0) - local field effects More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | matrix_lf_d |
| dynamical PCM response matrix (for epsilon_infty) - local field effects More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | q_n |
| polarization charges due to the solute nuclei More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | rho_e |
| polarization density due to the solute electrons More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | rho_n |
| polarization density due to the solute nuclei More...
real(real64) | qtot_e |
| total polarization charge due to electrons More...
real(real64) | qtot_n |
| total polarization charge due to nuclei More...
real(real64) | qtot_e_in |
| total inertial polarization charge due to electrons More...
real(real64) | q_e_nominal |
| total (nominal) electronic charge More...
real(real64) | q_n_nominal |
| total (nominal) nuclear charge More...
logical | renorm_charges |
| flag to renormalized polarization charges More...
real(real64) | q_tot_tol |
| tolerance to trigger normalization of the polarization charges More...
real(real64) | deltaq_e |
| difference between the calculated and nominal electronic charge More...
real(real64) | deltaq_n |
| difference between the calculated and nominal nuclear charge More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | v_e |
| Hartree potential at each tessera. More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | v_n |
| Nuclear potential at each tessera. More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | q_ext |
| polarization charges due to an ext. pot. More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | q_ext_in |
| inertial polarization charges due to an ext. pot. More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | rho_ext |
| polarization density due to an ext. pot. More...
real(real64) | qtot_ext |
| total polarization charge due to an ext. pot. More...
real(real64) | qtot_ext_in |
| total inertial polarization charge due to an ext. pot. More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | v_ext |
| external potential at each tessera More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | q_kick |
| polarization charges due to kick More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | rho_kick |
| polarization density due to kick More...
real(real64) | qtot_kick |
| total polarization charge due to kick More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | v_kick |
| kick potential at each tessera More...
type(debye_param_t) | deb |
| Debye parameters. More...
type(drude_param_t) | drl |
| Drude-Lorentz parameters. More...
logical | kick_is_present |
| .true. if there are kicks in the calculation More...
integer | initial_asc |
| Flag to read or not pol.charges from input file. More...
real(real64) | gaussian_width |
| Parameter to change the width of density of polarization charges. More...
integer | info_unit |
| unit for pcm info file More...
character(len=80) | input_cavity |
| file name containing the geometry of the VdW cavity More...
integer | update_iter |
| how often the pcm potential is updated More...
integer | calc_method |
| which method should be used to obtain the pcm potential More...
integer | tess_nn |
| number of tessera center mesh-point nearest neighbors More...
type(namespace_t), pointer | namespace |
type(space_t) | space |