Definition at line 151 of file cube.F90.
logical | parallel_in_domains |
| will the cube be divided in domains? More...
type(mpi_grp_t) | mpi_grp |
| the mpi group describing parallelization in domains More...
integer, dimension(1:3) | rs_n_global |
| the dimensions of the cube in real space More...
integer, dimension(1:3) | fs_n_global |
| the dimensions of the cube in fourier space More...
integer, dimension(1:3) | rs_n |
| the dimensions of the local portion of the cube in real space More...
integer, dimension(1:3) | fs_n |
| the dimensions of the local portion of the cube in fourier space More...
integer, dimension(1:3) | rs_istart |
| where does the local portion of the cube start in real space More...
integer, dimension(1:3) | fs_istart |
| where does the local portion of the cube start in fourier space More...
integer, dimension(1:3) | center |
| the coordinates of the center of the cube More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | lrs |
| The real space coordinates vector: Lrs(i,{1,2,3})={x,y,z}(i) More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | lfs |
| The fourier space coordinates vector: Lfs(i,{1,2,3})={kx,ky,kz}(i) More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | np_local |
| Number of points in each partition. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | xlocal |
| where does each process start when gathering a function More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable | local |
| local to global map used when gathering a function More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | np_local_fs |
| Number of points in each fs partition. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | xlocal_fs |
| where does each process start when gathering a fs function More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable | local_fs |
| local to global map used when gathering a fs function More...
type(fft_t), allocatable | fft |
| the fft object More...
logical, private | has_cube_mapping = .false. |
| Saves if a mapping with the cube is needed. Until now, is needed with par_states (without par_domains) and PES. More...
real(real64), dimension(3) | spacing |
type(lattice_vectors_t), allocatable | latt |
type(mesh_cube_map_t) | cube_map |
logical | cube_map_present = .false. |