Class implementing a box that is an union other boxes.
Class implementing a box that is an union other boxes.
Definition at line 133 of file box_union.F90.
type(box_list_t), public | list |
| list containing the boxes that make up this multibox More...
integer, public | dim |
| dimensions of the space the box lives in More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable, public | bounding_box_l |
| Half lengths of the bounding box that contains the box. Note that this box always contains the origin and is symmetrical with respect to it. More...
◆ contains_points()
procedure box_union_oct_m::box_union_t::contains_points |
private |
◆ write_info()
procedure box_union_oct_m::box_union_t::write_info |
private |
◆ short_info()
procedure box_union_oct_m::box_union_t::short_info |
private |
◆ box_union_finalize()
final box_union_oct_m::box_union_t::box_union_finalize |
finalprivate |
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