type(sphash_value_t) function, pointer | sphash_oct_m::sphash_value_constructor (value, clone) |
subroutine | sphash_oct_m::sphash_value_finalize (this) |
class(*) function, pointer | sphash_oct_m::sphash_value_get (this) |
subroutine, public | sphash_oct_m::sphash_init (h) |
| Initialize a hash table h with size entries. Since we use separate chaining, the number of entries in the hash table is in principle, unlimited. We take the smallest prime number as table size that is greater or equal than the requested size, to reduce collisions. More...
logical function | sphash_oct_m::sphash_is_associated (this) |
| Check if the sphash attribute, map, is associated. More...
subroutine, public | sphash_oct_m::sphash_end (h) |
| Free a hash table. More...
subroutine, public | sphash_oct_m::sphash_insert (h, key, val, clone) |
| Insert a (key, val) pair into the hash table h. If clone=.true., the object will be copied. More...
class(*) function, pointer, public | sphash_oct_m::sphash_lookup (h, key, found) |
| Look up a value in the hash table h. If found is present, it indicates if key could be found in the table. If found = .false., the return value of iihash_lookup is meaningless (and essentially undefined). More...
subroutine | sphash_oct_m::sphash_iterator_start (this, h) |
logical function | sphash_oct_m::sphash_iterator_has_next (this) |
class(*) function, pointer | sphash_oct_m::sphash_iterator_get_next (this) |