species.F90 File Reference

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module  species_oct_m

Data Types

interface  species_oct_m::operator(==)
type  species_oct_m::species_t
 An abstract class for species. Derived classes include jellium, all electron, and pseudopotential species. More...
type  species_oct_m::species_wrapper_t
 Needed for having an array of pointers See for instance https: More...
interface  species_oct_m::species_is_local
interface  species_oct_m::species_get_iwf_radius
interface  species_oct_m::species_iwf_fix_qn
interface  species_oct_m::species_init_potential
interface  species_oct_m::species_build
interface  species_oct_m::species_debug


subroutine, public species_oct_m::species_init (this, label, index)
 Initializes a species object. This should be the first routine to be called (before species_read and species_build). The label argument must match one of the labels given in the Species block in the input file or one of the labels in the defaults file. More...
integer pure function, public species_oct_m::species_closed_shell_size (min_niwfs)
 find size of closed shell for hydrogenic atom with size at least min_niwfs More...
character(len=label_len) pure function species_oct_m::species_label (species)
character(len=2) pure function, public species_oct_m::species_label_short (species)
integer pure function species_oct_m::species_index (species)
real(real64) pure function species_oct_m::species_zval (species)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_set_zval (species, zval)
real(real64) pure function species_oct_m::species_z (species)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_set_z (species, z)
real(real64) pure function species_oct_m::species_mass (species)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_set_mass (species, mass)
real(real64) pure function species_oct_m::species_vdw_radius (species)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_set_vdw_radius (species, radius)
integer pure function species_oct_m::species_niwfs (species)
integer pure function species_oct_m::species_hubbard_l (species)
real(real64) pure function species_oct_m::species_hubbard_u (species)
real(real64) pure function species_oct_m::species_hubbard_j (species)
real(real64) pure function species_oct_m::species_hubbard_alpha (species)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_set_hubbard_l (species, hubbard_l)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_set_hubbard_u (species, hubbard_u)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_set_hubbard_j (species, hubbard_j)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_set_hubbard_alpha (species, hubbard_alpha)
character(len=200) pure function species_oct_m::species_filename (species)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_set_filename (species, filename)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_iwf_ilm (species, j, is, i, l, m)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_iwf_n (species, j, is, n)
pure subroutine species_oct_m::species_iwf_j (species, iorb, j)
subroutine, public species_oct_m::species_end (species)
character(len=label_len) function, public species_oct_m::get_symbol (label)
logical function species_oct_m::species_is_same_species (spec1, spec2)
logical pure function species_oct_m::species_is_full (this)
 Is the species an all-electron derived class or not. More...
logical pure function species_oct_m::species_is_ps (this)
 Is the species a pseudopotential derived class or not. More...
logical pure function species_oct_m::species_is_ps_with_nlcc (this)
 Is the species a pseudopotential derived class or not with nlcc. More...
logical pure function species_oct_m::species_represents_real_atom (spec)
 Is the species representing an atomic species or not. More...
logical pure function species_oct_m::species_user_defined (spec)
 Is the species user-defined or not. More...


integer, parameter, public species_oct_m::label_len =15
integer, parameter, private species_oct_m::libxc_c_index = 1000