sgfft.F90 File Reference

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module  sgfft_oct_m
 These routines are part of the ISF poisson solver, eventually they will be integrated with the other FFT. Do not use them for other purposes.


subroutine, public sgfft_oct_m::fourier_dim (n, n_next)
subroutine, public sgfft_oct_m::fft (n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, z, isign, inzee)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::ctrig (n, trig, after, before, now, isign, ic)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::fftstp (mm, nfft, m, nn, n, zin, zout, trig, after, now, before, isign)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::fftrot (mm, nfft, m, nn, n, zin, zout, trig, after, now, before, isign)
integer function sgfft_oct_m::ncache_optimal ()
subroutine, public sgfft_oct_m::convolxc_off (n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, md1, md2, md3, nproc, iproc, pot, zf, scal, comm)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::multkernel (nd1, nd2, n1, n2, lot, nfft, jS, pot, zw)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::switch_upcorn (nfft, n2, lot, n1, lzt, zt, zw)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::mpiswitch_upcorn (j3, nfft, Jp2stb, J2stb, lot, n1, md2, nd3, nproc, zmpi1, zw)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::halfill_upcorn (md1, md3, lot, nfft, n3, zf, zw)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::scramble_unpack (i1, j2, lot, nfft, n1, n3, md2, nproc, nd3, zw, zmpi2, cosinarr)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::unscramble_pack (i1, j2, lot, nfft, n1, n3, md2, nproc, nd3, zmpi2, zw, cosinarr)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::unswitch_downcorn (nfft, n2, lot, n1, lzt, zw, zt)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::unmpiswitch_downcorn (j3, nfft, Jp2stf, J2stf, lot, n1, md2, nd3, nproc, zw, zmpi1)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::unfill_downcorn (md1, md3, lot, nfft, n3, zw, zf, scal)
subroutine, public sgfft_oct_m::kernelfft (n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc, iproc, zf, zr, comm)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::switch (nfft, n2, lot, n1, lzt, zt, zw)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::mpiswitch (j3, nfft, Jp2st, J2st, lot, n1, nd2, nd3, nproc, zmpi1, zw)
subroutine sgfft_oct_m::inserthalf (nd1, lot, nfft, n3, zf, zw)