quickrnd.F90 File Reference

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module  quickrnd_oct_m

Data Types

interface  quickrnd_oct_m::quickrnd


integer(int64) function, private quickrnd_oct_m::xorshift64 (x)
 xorshift64 pseudorandom number generator More...
real(real64) function, private quickrnd_oct_m::to_double (x)
 Generating uniform doubles in the unit interval. More...
subroutine quickrnd_oct_m::dquickrnd_single (iseed, rnd)
subroutine quickrnd_oct_m::dquickrnd_array (iseed, nn, rnd)
subroutine quickrnd_oct_m::zquickrnd_array (iseed, nn, rnd)
subroutine, public quickrnd_oct_m::shiftseed (iseed, n)
subroutine quickrnd_oct_m::xorshift_rnd_32_biased (x)
real(real64) function quickrnd_oct_m::random_real_in_range (x_min, x_max, seed)
 Generate a random real64 in the range \( [x_{min}, x_{max}] \). More...
integer(int64) function quickrnd_oct_m::random_integer_in_range (x_min, x_max, seed)
 Generate a random int64 in the range \( [x_{min}, x_{max}] \). More...
subroutine, public quickrnd_oct_m::fisher_yates_shuffle (m, n, seed, values)
 Return m random numbers from a range of \([1, n]\) with no replacement. More...
subroutine, public quickrnd_oct_m::reservoir_sampling_aexpj (weight, reservoir, seed_value)
 Algorithm "A-ExpJ" weighted reservoir sampling without replacement. More...


integer(int64), parameter, public quickrnd_oct_m::splitmix64_123 = int(Z'B4DC9BD462DE412B', int64)
integer(int64), parameter, public quickrnd_oct_m::splitmix64_321 = int(Z'E95F1C4EFCF85DEE', int64)