subroutine, public | propagator_rk_oct_m::td_explicit_runge_kutta4 (ks, namespace, space, hm, gr, st, time, dt, ions_dyn, ions, ext_partners, qcchi) |
subroutine | f_psi (tau) |
subroutine | f_ions (tau) |
subroutine | f_chi (tau) |
subroutine | apply_inh () |
subroutine | prepare_inh () |
subroutine | update_state (epsilon) |
subroutine, public | propagator_rk_oct_m::td_runge_kutta2 (ks, namespace, space, hm, gr, st, tr, time, dt, ions_dyn, ions, ext_partners) |
subroutine, public | propagator_rk_oct_m::td_runge_kutta4 (ks, namespace, space, hm, gr, st, tr, time, dt, ions_dyn, ions, ext_partners) |
subroutine | propagator_rk_oct_m::td_rk4op (xre, xim, yre, yim) |
| operators for Crank-Nicolson scheme More...
subroutine | propagator_rk_oct_m::td_rk4opt (xre, xim, yre, yim) |
| Transpose of H (called e.g. by bi-conjugate gradient solver) More...
subroutine | propagator_rk_oct_m::td_rk2op (xre, xim, yre, yim) |
| operator for the RK2 propagator More...
subroutine | propagator_rk_oct_m::td_rk2opt (xre, xim, yre, yim) |
| operator for the RK2 propagator More...
subroutine, public | propagator_rk_oct_m::propagator_rk_end () |
class(mesh_t), pointer | propagator_rk_oct_m::mesh_p |
type(hamiltonian_elec_t), pointer | propagator_rk_oct_m::hm_p |
type(states_elec_t), pointer | propagator_rk_oct_m::st_p |
type(propagator_base_t), pointer | propagator_rk_oct_m::tr_p |
type(namespace_t), pointer | propagator_rk_oct_m::namespace_p |
type(electron_space_t), pointer | propagator_rk_oct_m::space_p |
type(partner_list_t), pointer | propagator_rk_oct_m::ext_partners_p |
integer | propagator_rk_oct_m::dim_op |
real(real64) | propagator_rk_oct_m::t_op |
real(real64) | propagator_rk_oct_m::dt_op |
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | propagator_rk_oct_m::vpsl1_op |
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | propagator_rk_oct_m::vpsl2_op |
logical | propagator_rk_oct_m::move_ions_op |
type(xc_copied_potentials_t) | propagator_rk_oct_m::vhxc1_op |
type(xc_copied_potentials_t) | propagator_rk_oct_m::vhxc2_op |