propagator_cn.F90 File Reference

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module  propagator_cn_oct_m


subroutine, public propagator_cn_oct_m::td_crank_nicolson (hm, namespace, space, gr, st, tr, time, dt, ions_dyn, ions, ext_partners, use_sparskit)
 Crank-Nicolson propagator. More...
subroutine propagator_cn_oct_m::td_zop (xre, xim, yre, yim)
 operators for Crank-Nicolson scheme More...
subroutine propagator_cn_oct_m::td_zopt (xre, xim, yre, yim)
 Transpose of H (called e.g. by bi-conjugate gradient solver) More...
subroutine propagator_cn_oct_m::propagator_qmr_op_batch (xxb, yyb)
 operators for Crank-Nicolson scheme More...
subroutine propagator_cn_oct_m::zbatch_qmr_dotu (namespace, mesh, st, xb, bb, op, max_iter, iter_used, residue, threshold, use_initial_guess)
 for complex symmetric matrices W Chen and B Poirier, J Comput Phys 219, 198-209 (2006) More...


type(namespace_t), pointer, private propagator_cn_oct_m::namespace_p
class(mesh_t), pointer, private propagator_cn_oct_m::mesh_p
type(hamiltonian_elec_t), pointer, private propagator_cn_oct_m::hm_p
type(propagator_base_t), pointer, private propagator_cn_oct_m::tr_p
type(states_elec_t), pointer, private propagator_cn_oct_m::st_p
integer, private propagator_cn_oct_m::ik_op
integer, private propagator_cn_oct_m::ist_op
integer, private propagator_cn_oct_m::dim_op
real(real64), private propagator_cn_oct_m::t_op
real(real64), private propagator_cn_oct_m::dt_op