poisson_fft.F90 File Reference

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module  poisson_fft_oct_m

Data Types

type  poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_t


subroutine, public poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_init (this, namespace, space, cube, kernel, soft_coulb_param, fullcube)
subroutine, public poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_get_kernel (namespace, space, cube, coulb, kernel, soft_coulb_param, fullcube)
subroutine poisson_fft_oct_m::get_cutoff (namespace, default_r_c, r_c)
subroutine poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_build_3d_3d (cube, coulb)
subroutine poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_build_3d_3d_hockney (cube, coulb, fullcube)
 Kernel for Hockneys algorithm that solves the poisson equation in a small box while respecting the periodicity of a larger box A. Damle, L. Lin, L. Ying, JCTC, 2015 DOI: 10.1021/ct500985f, supplementary info. More...
subroutine poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_build_3d_2d (namespace, cube, coulb)
 C. A. Rozzi et al., Phys. Rev. B 73, 205119 (2006), Table I. More...
subroutine poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_build_3d_1d (namespace, space, cube, coulb)
 C. A. Rozzi et al., Phys. Rev. B 73, 205119 (2006), Table I. More...
subroutine poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_build_3d_0d (namespace, cube, kernel, coulb, is_periodic)
 C. A. Rozzi et al., Phys. Rev. B 73, 205119 (2006), Table I. More...
subroutine poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_build_2d_0d (namespace, cube, coulb)
 A. Castro et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 033102 (2009) More...
subroutine poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_build_2d_1d (namespace, cube, coulb)
 A. Castro et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 033102 (2009) More...
subroutine poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_build_2d_2d (cube, coulb)
 A. Castro et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 033102 (2009) More...
subroutine poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_build_1d_1d (cube, coulb, poisson_soft_coulomb_param)
subroutine poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_build_1d_0d (namespace, cube, coulb, poisson_soft_coulomb_param)
subroutine, public poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_end (this)
subroutine, public poisson_fft_oct_m::dpoisson_fft_solve (this, mesh, cube, pot, rho, mesh_cube_map, average_to_zero, kernel, sm)
subroutine, public poisson_fft_oct_m::zpoisson_fft_solve (this, mesh, cube, pot, rho, mesh_cube_map, average_to_zero, kernel, sm)


integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_kernel_none = -1
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_kernel_sph = 0
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_kernel_cyl = 1
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_kernel_pla = 2
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_kernel_nocut = 3
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_kernel_corrected = 4
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_oct_m::poisson_fft_kernel_hockney = 5
real(real64), parameter poisson_fft_oct_m::tol_vanishing_q = 1e-6_real64