pes_flux.F90 File Reference

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module  pes_flux_oct_m

Data Types

type  pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_t


subroutine, public pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_init (this, namespace, space, mesh, st, ext_partners, kpoints, abb, save_iter, max_iter)
subroutine, public pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_end (this)
subroutine, public pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_reciprocal_mesh_gen (this, namespace, space, st, kpoints, comm, post)
subroutine fill_non_periodic_dimension (this)
subroutine, public pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_calc (this, space, mesh, st, der, ext_partners, kpoints, iter, dt, stopping)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_integrate_cub_tabulate (this, space, mesh, st, kpoints)
pure integer function pes_flux_oct_m::get_ikp (this, ikpu, ikpv, ikpz, n_dir)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_distribute_facepnts_cub (this, mesh)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_integrate_cub (this, space, mesh, st, kpoints, dt)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_integrate_sph (this, mesh, st, dt)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_getcube (this, mesh, abb, border, offset, fc_ptdens)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_getsphere (this, mesh, nstepsthetar, nstepsphir)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_distribute (istart_global, iend_global, istart, iend, comm)
subroutine, public pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_pmesh (this, namespace, dim, kpoints, ll, pmesh, idxZero, krng, Lp, Ekin)
subroutine, public pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_map_from_states (this, restart, st, ll, pesP, krng, Lp, istin)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::flip_sign_lkpt_idx (dim, nk, idx, do_nothing)
integer pure function pes_flux_oct_m::flatten_indices (i1, i2, i3, ll)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_pmesh_pln (this, namespace, dim, kpoints, ll, pmesh, idxZero, krng, Lp, Ekin)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_map_from_states_elec_pln (this, restart, st, ll, pesP, krng, Lp, istin)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_map_from_state_1 (restart, idx, np, psiG)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_pmesh_cub (this, dim, pmesh, idxZero, krng, Lp, Ekin)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_pmesh_sph (this, dim, pmesh, idxZero, krng, Lp)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_map_from_states_elec_sph (this, restart, st, pesP, krng, Lp, istin)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_map_from_state_2 (restart, idx, np, psiG)
subroutine, public pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_out_energy (this, pesK, file, namespace, ll, Ekin, dim)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_out_energy_pln (arpes, file, namespace, ll, Ekin, dim)
subroutine, public pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_out_vmap (this, pesK, file, namespace, ll, pmesh, dim)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_out_vmap_cub (pesK, file, namespace, ll, pmesh, dim)
subroutine, public pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_output (this, box, st, namespace)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_out_cartesian_ascii (this, st, namespace, dim)
subroutine pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_out_polar_ascii (this, st, namespace, dim, efile, mfile)
subroutine, public pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_dump (restart, this, mesh, st, ierr)
subroutine, public pes_flux_oct_m::pes_flux_load (restart, this, st, ierr)


integer, parameter pes_flux_oct_m::pes_cubic = 1
integer, parameter pes_flux_oct_m::pes_spherical = 2
integer, parameter pes_flux_oct_m::pes_plane = 3
integer, parameter pes_flux_oct_m::pes_polar = 1
integer, parameter pes_flux_oct_m::pes_cartesian = 2

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ fill_non_periodic_dimension()

subroutine pes_flux_reciprocal_mesh_gen::fill_non_periodic_dimension ( type(pes_flux_t), intent(inout)  this)

Definition at line 1651 of file pes_flux.F90.