subroutine, public | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_charges_propagation (q_t, pot_t, this_dt, this_cts_act, input_asc, this_eom, this_eps, namespace, this_deb, this_drl) |
| Driving subroutine for the Equation of Motion (EOM) propagation of the polarization charges within the Integral Equation Formalism (IEF) formulation of the Polarization Continuum Model (PCM). More...
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_charges_from_input_file (q_t, pot_t, namespace) |
| Polarization charges initialization from input file. More...
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::init_charges (q_t, pot_t, namespace) |
| Polarization charges initialization (in equilibrium with the initial potential for electrons) More...
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_ief_prop_deb (q_t, pot_t) |
| Euler method for integrating first order EOM for the polarization charges within IEF-PCM in the case of Debye dielectric functions. More...
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::init_vv_propagator |
| Subroutine to initialize numerical constants required by the Velocity-Verlet (VV) algorithm. More...
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_ief_prop_vv_ief_drl (q_t, pot_t) |
| VV algorithm for integrating second order EOM for the polarization charges within IEF-PCM in the case of Drude-Lorentz dielectric functions. More...
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_bem_init (namespace) |
| Boundary Element Method (BEM) EOM-IEF-PCM matrices initialization. More...
subroutine, public | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_eom_end () |
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::do_pcm_propmat (namespace) |
| Subroutine to build the required BEM matrices for the EOM-IEF-PCM for Debye and Drude-Lorentz cases. More...
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::green_d (i, j, value) |
| Subroutine to build BEM matrix corresponding to the Calderon operator D, using the Green function of an isotropic medium (!) More...
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::green_s (i, j, value) |
| Subroutine to build BEM matrix corresponding to the Calderon operator S, using the Green function of an isotropic medium (!) More...
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::allocate_ts_matrix () |
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::deallocate_ts_matrix () |
subroutine | pcm_eom_oct_m::do_ts_matrix (namespace) |
| Subroutine to build matrices \(S^{1/2}\), \(S^{-1/2}\), \(T\) and \(\Lambda\) (notation of Refs.1-2) More...
subroutine, public | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_eom_enough_initial (not_yet_called) |
type(pcm_tessera_t), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::cts_act |
| tesselation arrays (nts_act) More...
integer | pcm_eom_oct_m::nts_act |
| number of tesserae More...
integer, parameter, public | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_debye_model = 1 |
integer, parameter, public | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_drude_model = 2 |
integer, parameter, public | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_electrons = 0 |
integer, parameter, public | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_nuclei = 1 |
integer, parameter, public | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_external_potential = 2 |
integer, parameter, public | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_kick = 3 |
integer, parameter, public | pcm_eom_oct_m::pcm_external_plus_kick = 4 |
type(debye_param_t) | pcm_eom_oct_m::deb |
type(drude_param_t) | pcm_eom_oct_m::drl |
integer | pcm_eom_oct_m::which_eom |
| flag for PCM charges due to: electrons, external potential (including kick) or just the kick More...
integer | pcm_eom_oct_m::which_eps |
| flag for Debye (PCM_DEBYE_MODEL) and Drude-Lorentz (PCM_DRUDE_MODEL) models More...
real(real64) | pcm_eom_oct_m::dt |
| time-step of the propagation More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::q_tp |
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::dq_tp |
| due to solute electrons More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::qext_tp |
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::dqext_tp |
| due to external potential More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::qkick_tp |
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::dqkick_tp |
| due to kick More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::pot_tp |
| Hartree (electrons) potential in previous iteration. More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::potext_tp |
| external potential in previous iteration More...
real(real64) | pcm_eom_oct_m::f1 |
real(real64) | pcm_eom_oct_m::f2 |
real(real64) | pcm_eom_oct_m::f3 |
real(real64) | pcm_eom_oct_m::f4 |
real(real64) | pcm_eom_oct_m::f5 |
| auxiliar constants for VV More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::force_tp |
| due to solute electrons More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::force_qext_tp |
| due to external potential More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::force_qkick_tp |
| due to kick More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::cals |
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::cald |
| Calderon matrices S and D from Eq.(5), Ref.1. More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::eigv |
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::eigt |
| \( \Lambda \) and T matrices from Eq.(10), Ref.1 More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::sm12 |
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::sp12 |
| \(S^{-1/2}\) and \(S^{1/2}\) \(Q^{IEF(d)}_0\) (not used in ref.) and \(Q^{IEF(d)}_d\) from Eq.(18) with eps_0/eps_d More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::matq0 |
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::matqd |
| for solute More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::matq0_lf |
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::matqd_lf |
| for external potential More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::matqv |
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::matqq |
| for solute More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | pcm_eom_oct_m::matqv_lf |
| for external potential More...
logical | pcm_eom_oct_m::enough_initial = .false. |