opt_control.F90 File Reference

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module  opt_control_oct_m
 This module contains the main procedure ("opt_control_run") that is used when optimal control runs are requested.


subroutine, public opt_control_oct_m::opt_control_run (system)
subroutine opt_control_oct_m::opt_control_run_legacy (sys)
 This is the main procedure for all types of optimal control runs. It is called from the "run" procedure in the "run_m" module. More...
subroutine scheme_straight_iteration ()
subroutine scheme_mt03 ()
subroutine scheme_wg05 ()
subroutine scheme_zbr98 ()
subroutine scheme_cg ()
subroutine scheme_direct ()
subroutine scheme_nlopt ()
subroutine opt_control_oct_m::f_zbr98 (sys, td, qcpsi, prop_psi, prop_chi, par)
subroutine opt_control_oct_m::f_wg05 (sys, td, qcpsi, par, prop_psi, prop_chi, j1)
subroutine opt_control_oct_m::f_striter (sys, td, par, j1)
subroutine opt_control_oct_m::f_iter (sys, td, qcpsi, par, prop_psi, prop_chi, j1)
subroutine opt_control_oct_m::opt_control_nlopt_func (val, n, x, grad, need_gradient, f_data)
subroutine, public opt_control_oct_m::opt_control_function_forward (x, f)
subroutine, public opt_control_oct_m::opt_control_cg_calc (n, x, f, getgrad, df)
subroutine, public opt_control_oct_m::opt_control_cg_write_info (iter, n, val, maxdx, maxdf, x)
 interface is required by its being passed as dummy routine to minimize_multidim More...
subroutine, public opt_control_oct_m::opt_control_direct_calc (n, x, f)
 No intents here is unfortunately required because this will be passed to newuoa routines as a dummy function, whose interface has no intents. More...
subroutine, public opt_control_oct_m::opt_control_direct_message_info (iter, n, val, maxdx, x)
subroutine opt_control_oct_m::check_faulty_runmodes (sys, tr)
subroutine opt_control_oct_m::oct_finalcheck (sys, td)


type(filter_t), save opt_control_oct_m::filter
 Module variables. More...
type(oct_t), save opt_control_oct_m::oct
type(oct_iterator_t), save opt_control_oct_m::iterator
type(target_t), save opt_control_oct_m::oct_target
type(opt_control_state_t), save opt_control_oct_m::initial_st
type(controlfunction_t), save opt_control_oct_m::par_
 For the direct, nlopt, and cg schemes: More...
type(electrons_t), pointer opt_control_oct_m::sys_
type(hamiltonian_elec_t), pointer opt_control_oct_m::hm_
type(td_t), pointer opt_control_oct_m::td_
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable opt_control_oct_m::x_
integer opt_control_oct_m::index_

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ scheme_straight_iteration()

subroutine opt_control_run_legacy::scheme_straight_iteration

Definition at line 358 of file opt_control.F90.

◆ scheme_mt03()

subroutine opt_control_run_legacy::scheme_mt03

Definition at line 378 of file opt_control.F90.

◆ scheme_wg05()

subroutine opt_control_run_legacy::scheme_wg05

Definition at line 406 of file opt_control.F90.

◆ scheme_zbr98()

subroutine opt_control_run_legacy::scheme_zbr98

Definition at line 438 of file opt_control.F90.

◆ scheme_cg()

subroutine opt_control_run_legacy::scheme_cg

Definition at line 479 of file opt_control.F90.

◆ scheme_direct()

subroutine opt_control_run_legacy::scheme_direct

Definition at line 551 of file opt_control.F90.

◆ scheme_nlopt()

subroutine opt_control_run_legacy::scheme_nlopt

Definition at line 620 of file opt_control.F90.