nonlocal_pseudopotential.F90 File Reference

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module  nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m

Data Types

type  nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::nonlocal_pseudopotential_t
 nonlocal part of the pseudopotential More...
type  nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::projection_t
 Class for projections of wave functions. More...


subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::nonlocal_pseudopotential_init (this)
 initialize the nonlocal_pseudopotential_t object More...
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::nonlocal_pseudopotential_destroy_proj (this)
 Destroy the data of nonlocal_pseudopotential_t. More...
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::nonlocal_pseudopotential_build_proj (this, space, mesh, epot)
 build the projectors for the application of pseudo-potentials More...
subroutine build_accel ()
logical pure function nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::nonlocal_pseudopotential_self_overlap (this)
 Returns .true. if the Hamiltonian contains projectors, which overlap with themself. More...
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::dnonlocal_pseudopotential_start (this, mesh, std, spiral_bnd, psib, projection, async)
 Start application of non-local potentials (stored in the Hamiltonian) to the wave functions. More...
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::dnonlocal_pseudopotential_finish (this, mesh, spiral_bnd, std, projection, vpsib)
 finish the application of non-local potentials. More...
subroutine finish_accel ()
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::dnonlocal_pseudopotential_force (this, mesh, st, spiral_bnd, iqn, ndim, psi1b, psi2b, force)
 calculate contribution to forces, from non-local potentials More...
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::dnonlocal_pseudopotential_position_commutator (this, mesh, std, spiral_bnd, psib, commpsib, async)
 apply the commutator between the non-local potential and the position to the wave functions. More...
subroutine dcommutator_accel ()
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::dnonlocal_pseudopotential_r_vnlocal (this, mesh, std, spiral_bnd, psib, commpsib)
 Accumulates to commpsib the result of x V_{nl} | psib > More...
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::znonlocal_pseudopotential_start (this, mesh, std, spiral_bnd, psib, projection, async)
 Start application of non-local potentials (stored in the Hamiltonian) to the wave functions. More...
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::znonlocal_pseudopotential_finish (this, mesh, spiral_bnd, std, projection, vpsib)
 finish the application of non-local potentials. More...
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::znonlocal_pseudopotential_force (this, mesh, st, spiral_bnd, iqn, ndim, psi1b, psi2b, force)
 calculate contribution to forces, from non-local potentials More...
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::znonlocal_pseudopotential_position_commutator (this, mesh, std, spiral_bnd, psib, commpsib, async)
 apply the commutator between the non-local potential and the position to the wave functions. More...
subroutine zcommutator_accel ()
subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_oct_m::znonlocal_pseudopotential_r_vnlocal (this, mesh, std, spiral_bnd, psib, commpsib)
 Accumulates to commpsib the result of x V_{nl} | psib > More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ build_accel()

subroutine nonlocal_pseudopotential_build_proj::build_accel

Definition at line 661 of file nonlocal_pseudopotential.F90.

◆ finish_accel()

subroutine finish_accel

Definition at line 1312 of file nonlocal_pseudopotential.F90.

◆ dcommutator_accel()

subroutine dcommutator_accel

Definition at line 1982 of file nonlocal_pseudopotential.F90.

◆ zcommutator_accel()

subroutine zcommutator_accel

Definition at line 4005 of file nonlocal_pseudopotential.F90.