minimizer_static_oct_m Module Reference

Data Types

interface  minimizer_static_t
 Implements a static minimizer that keeps the state of the system constant. More...


type(minimizer_static_t) function, pointer minimizer_static_constructor ()
logical function minimizer_static_finished (this)
 indicate whether a static minimizer is finished More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ minimizer_static_constructor()

type(minimizer_static_t) function, pointer minimizer_static_oct_m::minimizer_static_constructor

Definition at line 143 of file minimizer_static.F90.

◆ minimizer_static_finished()

logical function minimizer_static_oct_m::minimizer_static_finished ( class(minimizer_static_t), intent(in)  this)

indicate whether a static minimizer is finished

The finish point is found when all the partner systems have finished their algorithm

Definition at line 168 of file minimizer_static.F90.