recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_init_parallelization (this, grp) |
| brief initialize the parallelization of the multisystem More...
recursive real(real64) function | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_next_time_on_largest_dt (this) |
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_execute_algorithm (this) |
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_reset_iteration_counters (this, accumulated_iterations) |
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_new_algorithm (this, factory) |
recursive logical function | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_algorithm_finished (this) |
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_init_iteration_counters (this) |
| initialize the iteration counters of the contained systems More...
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_algorithm_start (this) |
| call the algorithm_start routine for all contained systems More...
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_algorithm_finish (this) |
| call the algorithm_finish routine for all contained systems More...
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_add_partners_to_list (this, list, interaction_type) |
| add interaction partners contained in the multisystem to a list More...
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_create_interactions (this, interaction_factory, available_partners) |
| create the interactions of the multisystem More...
subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_init_interaction (this, interaction) |
| initialize a specific interaction More...
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_write_interaction_graph (this, iunit, include_ghosts) |
| write a graphical representation of the interactions More...
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_initialize (this) |
logical function | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_do_algorithmic_operation (this, operation, updated_quantities) |
recursive logical function | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_is_tolerance_reached (this, tol) |
subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_update_quantity (this, label) |
subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_init_interaction_as_partner (partner, interaction) |
subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_copy_quantities_to_interaction (partner, interaction) |
recursive logical function | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_process_is_slave (this) |
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_update_kinetic_energy (this) |
| Calculate the kinetic energy: The kinetic energy of a container (multisystem) is defined by the kinetic energy with respect to the center or mass motion. More...
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_update_internal_energy (this) |
subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_update_potential_energy (this) |
| Calculate the potential energy for a container. More...
recursive real(real64) function | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_pair_energy (partner_A, partner_B) |
| This function calculates the complete interaction energy between partner_A and partner_B, which means that for any container its constituents will be accounted for. This continues recursively up to the level of non-container systems. More...
real(real64) function | interaction_energy (system, partner) |
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_get_flat_list (this, flat_list) |
| Generate a list of all systems contained in a multisystem, including those inside child containers. More...
recursive subroutine, public | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_end (this) |
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_start_barrier (this, target_time, barrier_index) |
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_end_barrier (this, barrier_index) |
recursive logical function | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_arrived_at_barrier (this, barrier_index) |
recursive subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_restart_write (this) |
recursive logical function | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_restart_read (this) |
subroutine | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_restart_write_data (this) |
logical function | multisystem_oct_m::multisystem_restart_read_data (this) |