subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::mix_init (smix, namespace, space, der, d1, d2, def_, func_type_, prefix_) |
| Initialise mix_t instance. More...
subroutine | init_preconditioner () |
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::mix_clear (smix) |
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::mix_end (smix) |
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::mix_dump (namespace, restart, smix, space, mesh, ierr) |
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::mix_load (namespace, restart, smix, space, mesh, ierr) |
real(real64) pure function, public | mix_oct_m::mix_coefficient (this) |
integer pure function, public | mix_oct_m::mix_scheme (this) |
integer pure function, public | mix_oct_m::mix_d3 (this) |
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::mix_get_field (this, mixfield) |
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::mixing (namespace, smix) |
| Main entry-point to SCF mixer. More...
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::mix_add_auxmixfield (namespace, smix, mixfield) |
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::mixfield_init (smix, mixfield, d1, d2, d3, func_type) |
| Initialise all attributes of a mixfield instance. More...
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::mixfield_end (smix, mixfield) |
| Deallocate all arrays of a mixfield instance. More...
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::mixfield_clear (scheme, mixfield) |
| Zero all potential and field attributes of a mixfield instance. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::ddmixfield_set_vin (mixfield, vin_re, vin_im) |
subroutine | mix_oct_m::ddmixfield_set_vout (mixfield, vout_re, vout_im) |
subroutine | mix_oct_m::ddmixfield_get_vnew (mixfield, re, im) |
subroutine | mix_oct_m::compute_residuals_aux_field (this) |
| Compute the residuals of the auxilliary fields. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::linear_mixing_aux_field (smix) |
| Linear mixing of the auxilliary fields. More...
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::dmixing (namespace, smix, vin, vout, vnew) |
| Mix the input and output potentials (or densities) according to some scheme. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::dmixing_linear (d1, d2, coeff, vin, residual, vnew) |
| Linear mixing of the input and output potentials. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::dcompute_residual (smix, dims, vin, vout, residual) |
| Compute the residual of the potential (or density) for SCF mixing. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::dmixing_broyden (namespace, smix, f, vin, vnew, iter) |
| Top-level routine for Broyden mixing. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::dbroyden_extrapolation (this, namespace, coeff, d1, d2, vin, vnew, iter_used, f, df, dv) |
| Broyden mixing implementation. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::dbroyden_extrapolation_aux (this, namespace, ii, coeff, iter_used, dbeta, dwork, zbeta, zwork) |
| Broyden mixing for auxilliary fields. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::dmixing_diis (this, vin, residual, vnew, iter) |
| Direct inversion in the iterative subspace. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::dmixing_build_matrix (this, df, size, d2, ww, beta) |
real(real64) function | mix_oct_m::dmix_dotp (this, xx, yy, reduce) |
subroutine | mix_oct_m::dmixfield_set_vin (mixfield, vin) |
subroutine | mix_oct_m::dmixfield_set_vout (mixfield, vout) |
subroutine | mix_oct_m::dmixfield_get_vnew (mixfield, vnew) |
subroutine, public | mix_oct_m::zmixing (namespace, smix, vin, vout, vnew) |
| Mix the input and output potentials (or densities) according to some scheme. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::zmixing_linear (d1, d2, coeff, vin, residual, vnew) |
| Linear mixing of the input and output potentials. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::zcompute_residual (smix, dims, vin, vout, residual) |
| Compute the residual of the potential (or density) for SCF mixing. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::zmixing_broyden (namespace, smix, f, vin, vnew, iter) |
| Top-level routine for Broyden mixing. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::zbroyden_extrapolation (this, namespace, coeff, d1, d2, vin, vnew, iter_used, f, df, dv) |
| Broyden mixing implementation. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::zbroyden_extrapolation_aux (this, namespace, ii, coeff, iter_used, dbeta, dwork, zbeta, zwork) |
| Broyden mixing for auxilliary fields. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::zmixing_diis (this, vin, residual, vnew, iter) |
| Direct inversion in the iterative subspace. More...
subroutine | mix_oct_m::zmixing_build_matrix (this, df, size, d2, ww, beta) |
complex(real64) function | mix_oct_m::zmix_dotp (this, xx, yy, reduce) |
subroutine | mix_oct_m::zmixfield_set_vin (mixfield, vin) |
subroutine | mix_oct_m::zmixfield_set_vout (mixfield, vout) |
subroutine | mix_oct_m::zmixfield_get_vnew (mixfield, vnew) |