io_function.F90 File Reference

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module  io_function_oct_m

Data Types

interface  io_function_oct_m::io_function_output_vector
interface  io_function_oct_m::io_function_output_vector_bz
interface  io_function_oct_m::io_function_output_global_bz
interface  io_function_oct_m::io_function_output_supercell


subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::io_function_read_what_how_when (namespace, space, what, how, output_interval, what_tag_in, how_tag_in, output_interval_tag_in, ignore_error)
integer(int64) function, public io_function_oct_m::io_function_fill_how (where)
 Use this function to quickly plot functions for debugging purposes: call dio_function_output(io_function_fill_how("AxisX_and_PlaneX_and_DX"), &. More...
subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::write_canonicalized_xyz_file (dir, fname, space, latt, pos, atoms, box, namespace)
 Write canonicalized xyz file with atom labels and positions in Angstroms. Includes information about simulation box and periodicity when applicable. This differs from a normal xyz file by including information about box shape and always using Angstroms. More...
subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::write_xsf_geometry_file (dir, fname, space, latt, pos, atoms, mesh, namespace, total_forces)
subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::write_xsf_geometry (iunit, space, latt, pos, atoms, mesh, forces, index)
 for format specification see: http: More...
subroutine io_function_oct_m::write_xsf_geometry_supercell (iunit, space, latt, pos, atoms, mesh, centers, supercell, extra_atom)
 for format specification see: http: More...
subroutine io_function_oct_m::ncdf_error (func, status, filename, namespace, ierr)
subroutine io_function_oct_m::transpose3 (in, out)
subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::dio_function_input (filename, namespace, space, mesh, ff, ierr, map)
 Reads a mesh function from file filename, and puts it into ff. If the map argument is passed, the subroutine will reorder the values in the file according to it, missing values will be filled with zeros. (For the moment this is only implemented for the obf format.) More...
subroutine io_function_oct_m::dio_function_input_global (filename, namespace, space, mesh, ff, ierr, map)
subroutine read_netcdf (namespace)
subroutine io_function_oct_m::dio_function_output_vector (how, dir, fname, namespace, space, mesh, ff, unit, ierr, pos, atoms, grp, root)
subroutine io_function_oct_m::dio_function_output_vector_bz (how, dir, fname, namespace, space, kpt, kpoints, ff, unit, ierr, grp, root)
subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::dio_function_output (how, dir, fname, namespace, space, mesh, ff, unit, ierr, pos, atoms, grp, root)
 Top-level IO routine for functions defined on the mesh. More...
subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::dio_function_output_global (how, dir, fname, namespace, space, mesh, ff, unit, ierr)
subroutine out_binary ()
subroutine out_axis (d1, d2, d3)
subroutine out_plane (d1, d2, d3)
subroutine out_integrate_plane (d1, d2, d3)
subroutine out_matlab (how, d1, d2, d3, out_what)
subroutine out_mesh_index ()
subroutine io_function_oct_m::dio_cf_output_global (how, dir, fname, namespace, space, mesh, cube, cf, unit, ierr, pos, atoms)
subroutine out_dx ()
 Writes real and imaginary parts. More...
subroutine out_cube ()
 see http: Writes only real part More...
subroutine out_xcrysden (write_real)
 For format specification see: http: XCrySDen can only read 3D output, though it could be extended to plot a function on a 2D plane. Writes real part unless write_real = false and called in complex version. More...
subroutine out_netcdf (namespace)
subroutine out_vtk ()
subroutine io_function_oct_m::dio_function_output_global_bz (how, dir, fname, namespace, kpoints, ff, unit, ierr)
subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::dout_cf_netcdf (filename, ierr, cf, cube, space, spacing, transpose, unit, namespace)
 Writes a cube_function in netcdf format. More...
subroutine write_variable (ncid, data_id, status, space, xx)
subroutine io_function_oct_m::dio_function_output_supercell (how, dir, fname, mesh, space, latt, ff, centers, supercell, unit, ierr, namespace, pos, atoms, grp, root, is_global, extra_atom)
subroutine io_function_oct_m::dio_function_output_global_supercell (how, dir, fname, mesh, space, latt, ff, centers, supercell, unit, ierr, namespace, pos, atoms, extra_atom)
subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::zio_function_input (filename, namespace, space, mesh, ff, ierr, map)
 Reads a mesh function from file filename, and puts it into ff. If the map argument is passed, the subroutine will reorder the values in the file according to it, missing values will be filled with zeros. (For the moment this is only implemented for the obf format.) More...
subroutine io_function_oct_m::zio_function_input_global (filename, namespace, space, mesh, ff, ierr, map)
subroutine io_function_oct_m::zio_function_output_vector (how, dir, fname, namespace, space, mesh, ff, unit, ierr, pos, atoms, grp, root)
subroutine io_function_oct_m::zio_function_output_vector_bz (how, dir, fname, namespace, space, kpt, kpoints, ff, unit, ierr, grp, root)
subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::zio_function_output (how, dir, fname, namespace, space, mesh, ff, unit, ierr, pos, atoms, grp, root)
 Top-level IO routine for functions defined on the mesh. More...
subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::zio_function_output_global (how, dir, fname, namespace, space, mesh, ff, unit, ierr)
subroutine io_function_oct_m::zio_cf_output_global (how, dir, fname, namespace, space, mesh, cube, cf, unit, ierr, pos, atoms)
subroutine io_function_oct_m::zio_function_output_global_bz (how, dir, fname, namespace, kpoints, ff, unit, ierr)
subroutine, public io_function_oct_m::zout_cf_netcdf (filename, ierr, cf, cube, space, spacing, transpose, unit, namespace)
 Writes a cube_function in netcdf format. More...
subroutine io_function_oct_m::zio_function_output_supercell (how, dir, fname, mesh, space, latt, ff, centers, supercell, unit, ierr, namespace, pos, atoms, grp, root, is_global, extra_atom)
subroutine io_function_oct_m::zio_function_output_global_supercell (how, dir, fname, mesh, space, latt, ff, centers, supercell, unit, ierr, namespace, pos, atoms, extra_atom)


integer, parameter, private io_function_oct_m::doutput_kind = 1
 doutput_kind => real variables; zoutput_kind => complex variables. More...
integer, parameter, private io_function_oct_m::zoutput_kind = -1
character(len=3), dimension(3), parameter io_function_oct_m::index2label = (/ 're ', 'im ', 'abs' /)
 index to label mapping More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ read_netcdf()

subroutine read_netcdf ( type(namespace_t), intent(in)  namespace)

Definition at line 1435 of file io_function.F90.

◆ out_binary()

subroutine out_binary

Definition at line 1902 of file io_function.F90.

◆ out_axis()

subroutine out_axis ( integer, intent(in)  d1,
integer, intent(in)  d2,
integer, intent(in)  d3 

Definition at line 1916 of file io_function.F90.

◆ out_plane()

subroutine out_plane ( integer, intent(in)  d1,
integer, intent(in)  d2,
integer, intent(in)  d3 

Definition at line 1955 of file io_function.F90.

◆ out_integrate_plane()

subroutine out_integrate_plane ( integer, intent(in)  d1,
integer, intent(in)  d2,
integer, intent(in)  d3 

Definition at line 2018 of file io_function.F90.

◆ out_matlab()

subroutine out_matlab ( integer(int64), intent(in)  how,
integer, intent(in)  d1,
integer, intent(in)  d2,
integer, intent(in)  d3,
integer, intent(in)  out_what 

Definition at line 2069 of file io_function.F90.

◆ out_mesh_index()

subroutine out_mesh_index

Definition at line 2163 of file io_function.F90.

◆ out_dx()

subroutine out_dx

Writes real and imaginary parts.

Definition at line 2247 of file io_function.F90.

◆ out_cube()

subroutine out_cube

see http: Writes only real part

Definition at line 2304 of file io_function.F90.

◆ out_xcrysden()

subroutine out_xcrysden ( logical, intent(in)  write_real)

For format specification see: http: XCrySDen can only read 3D output, though it could be extended to plot a function on a 2D plane. Writes real part unless write_real = false and called in complex version.

Definition at line 2369 of file io_function.F90.

◆ out_netcdf()

subroutine out_netcdf ( type(namespace_t), intent(in)  namespace)

Definition at line 2460 of file io_function.F90.

◆ out_vtk()

subroutine out_vtk

Definition at line 2476 of file io_function.F90.

◆ write_variable()

subroutine write_variable ( integer, intent(in)  ncid,
integer, intent(in)  data_id,
integer, intent(out)  status,
class(space_t), intent(in)  space,
real(real64), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in)  xx 

Definition at line 2759 of file io_function.F90.