getopt_f.c File Reference

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struct  __fsid_t
struct  __mbstate_t
struct  _G_fpos_t
struct  _G_fpos64_t
struct  _IO_FILE
struct  ldiv_t
struct  lldiv_t
struct  __sigset_t
struct  timeval
struct  timespec
struct  fd_set
union  __atomic_wide_counter
struct  __pthread_internal_list
struct  __pthread_internal_slist
struct  __pthread_mutex_s
struct  __pthread_rwlock_arch_t
struct  __pthread_cond_s
struct  __once_flag
union  pthread_mutexattr_t
union  pthread_condattr_t
union  pthread_attr_t
union  pthread_mutex_t
union  pthread_cond_t
union  pthread_rwlock_t
union  pthread_rwlockattr_t
union  pthread_barrier_t
union  pthread_barrierattr_t


typedef long unsigned int size_t
typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list
typedef unsigned char __u_char
typedef unsigned short int __u_short
typedef unsigned int __u_int
typedef unsigned long int __u_long
typedef signed char __int8_t
typedef unsigned char __uint8_t
typedef signed short int __int16_t
typedef unsigned short int __uint16_t
typedef signed int __int32_t
typedef unsigned int __uint32_t
typedef signed long int __int64_t
typedef unsigned long int __uint64_t
typedef __int8_t __int_least8_t
typedef __uint8_t __uint_least8_t
typedef __int16_t __int_least16_t
typedef __uint16_t __uint_least16_t
typedef __int32_t __int_least32_t
typedef __uint32_t __uint_least32_t
typedef __int64_t __int_least64_t
typedef __uint64_t __uint_least64_t
typedef long int __quad_t
typedef unsigned long int __u_quad_t
typedef long int __intmax_t
typedef unsigned long int __uintmax_t
typedef unsigned long int __dev_t
typedef unsigned int __uid_t
typedef unsigned int __gid_t
typedef unsigned long int __ino_t
typedef unsigned long int __ino64_t
typedef unsigned int __mode_t
typedef unsigned long int __nlink_t
typedef long int __off_t
typedef long int __off64_t
typedef int __pid_t
typedef long int __clock_t
typedef unsigned long int __rlim_t
typedef unsigned long int __rlim64_t
typedef unsigned int __id_t
typedef long int __time_t
typedef unsigned int __useconds_t
typedef long int __suseconds_t
typedef long int __suseconds64_t
typedef int __daddr_t
typedef int __key_t
typedef int __clockid_t
typedef void * __timer_t
typedef long int __blksize_t
typedef long int __blkcnt_t
typedef long int __blkcnt64_t
typedef unsigned long int __fsblkcnt_t
typedef unsigned long int __fsblkcnt64_t
typedef unsigned long int __fsfilcnt_t
typedef unsigned long int __fsfilcnt64_t
typedef long int __fsword_t
typedef long int __ssize_t
typedef long int __syscall_slong_t
typedef unsigned long int __syscall_ulong_t
typedef __off64_t __loff_t
typedef char * __caddr_t
typedef long int __intptr_t
typedef unsigned int __socklen_t
typedef int __sig_atomic_t
typedef struct _G_fpos_t __fpos_t
typedef struct _G_fpos64_t __fpos64_t
typedef struct _IO_FILE __FILE
typedef struct _IO_FILE FILE
typedef void _IO_lock_t
typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list
typedef __off_t off_t
typedef __ssize_t ssize_t
typedef __fpos_t fpos_t
typedef __sigset_t sigset_t
typedef __suseconds_t suseconds_t
typedef long int __fd_mask
typedef __fd_mask fd_mask
typedef __blksize_t blksize_t
typedef __blkcnt_t blkcnt_t
typedef __fsblkcnt_t fsblkcnt_t
typedef __fsfilcnt_t fsfilcnt_t
typedef struct __pthread_internal_list __pthread_list_t
typedef struct __pthread_internal_slist __pthread_slist_t
typedef unsigned int __tss_t
typedef unsigned long int __thrd_t
typedef unsigned long int pthread_t
typedef unsigned int pthread_key_t
typedef int pthread_once_t
typedef union pthread_attr_t pthread_attr_t
typedef volatile int pthread_spinlock_t
typedef struct __locale_struct * __locale_t
typedef __locale_t locale_t


enum  {
  _SC_2_C_DEV , _SC_2_FORT_DEV , _SC_2_FORT_RUN , _SC_2_SW_DEV ,
enum  {


int remove (const char *__filename) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int rename (const char *__old, const char *__new) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int renameat (int __oldfd, const char *__old, int __newfd, const char *__new) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int fclose (FILE *__stream)
FILEtmpfile (void)
size_t __ctype_get_mb_cur_max (void)
static __inline __uint32_t __bswap_32 (__uint32_t __bsx)
static __extension__ __inline __uint64_t __bswap_64 (__uint64_t __bsx)
static __inline __uint16_t __uint16_identity (__uint16_t __x)
static __inline __uint32_t __uint32_identity (__uint32_t __x)
static __inline __uint64_t __uint64_identity (__uint64_t __x)
int select (int __nfds, fd_set *__restrict __readfds, fd_set *__restrict __writefds, fd_set *__restrict __exceptfds, struct timeval *__restrict __timeout)
int pselect (int __nfds, fd_set *__restrict __readfds, fd_set *__restrict __writefds, fd_set *__restrict __exceptfds, const struct timespec *__restrict __timeout, const __sigset_t *__restrict __sigmask)
long int random (void)
int random_r (struct random_data *__restrict __buf, int32_t *__restrict __result) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int __leaf__ __attribute__ ((__nonnull__(1, 2)))
int srandom_r (unsigned int __seed, struct random_data *__buf) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int __leaf__ __attribute__ ((__nonnull__(2)))
int initstate_r (unsigned int __seed, char *__restrict __statebuf, size_t __statelen, struct random_data *__restrict __buf) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int __leaf__ __attribute__ ((__nonnull__(2, 4)))
int setstate_r (char *__restrict __statebuf, struct random_data *__restrict __buf) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int rand (void)
int drand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer, double *__restrict __result) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int erand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3], struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer, double *__restrict __result) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int lrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer, long int *__restrict __result) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int nrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3], struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer, long int *__restrict __result) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int mrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer, long int *__restrict __result) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int jrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3], struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer, long int *__restrict __result) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int srand48_r (long int __seedval, struct drand48_data *__buffer) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int seed48_r (unsigned short int __seed16v[3], struct drand48_data *__buffer) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int lcong48_r (unsigned short int __param[7], struct drand48_data *__buffer) __attribute__((__nothrow__
__uint32_t arc4random (void)
int getopt_long (int ___argc, char *const *___argv, const char *__shortopts, const struct option *__longopts, int *__longind) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int __leaf__ __attribute__ ((__nonnull__(2, 3)))
int getopt_long_only (int ___argc, char *const *___argv, const char *__shortopts, const struct option *__longopts, int *__longind) __attribute__((__nothrow__
void * memcpy (void *__restrict __dest, const void *__restrict __src, size_t __n) __attribute__((__nothrow__
void * memmove (void *__dest, const void *__src, size_t __n) __attribute__((__nothrow__
void * memccpy (void *__restrict __dest, const void *__restrict __src, int __c, size_t __n) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int strcoll_l (const char *__s1, const char *__s2, locale_t __l) __attribute__((__nothrow__
int __leaf__ __attribute__ ((__pure__))
long int pathconf (const char *__path, int __name) __attribute__((__nothrow__
long int __leaf__ __attribute__ ((__nonnull__(1)))
long int fpathconf (int __fd, int __name) __attribute__((__nothrow__
long int sysconf (int __name) __attribute__((__nothrow__
size_t confstr (int __name, char *__buf, size_t __len) __attribute__((__nothrow__
size_t __leaf__ __attribute__ ((__access__(__write_only__, 2, 3)))
__pid_t getpid (void)
void set_clarg_ (int *i, char *arg, unsigned long l1)
void clean_clarg_ ()
void oscillator_strength_help ()
void getopt_oscillator_strength_ (int *mode, double *omega, double *searchinterval, int *order, int *nresonances, int *nfrequencies, double *time, int *l, int *m, double *damping, char *ffile, unsigned long l1)
void harmonic_spectrum_help ()
void getopt_harmonic_spectrum_ (double *w0, int *m, int *ar, double *x, double *y, double *z, char *pol, unsigned long l1)
void help_help ()
void getopt_help_ (char *mode, char *name, unsigned long l1, unsigned long l2)
void octopus_help ()
void getopt_octopus_ (char *config_str, unsigned long l1)
void casida_spectrum_help ()
void getopt_casida_spectrum_ ()
void center_geom_help ()
void getopt_center_geom_ ()
void dielectric_function_help ()
void getopt_dielectric_function_ ()
void propagation_spectrum_help ()
void getopt_propagation_spectrum_ (char *fname, unsigned long l1)
void xyz_anim_help ()
void getopt_xyz_anim_ ()
void photoelectron_spectrum_help ()
void getopt_photoelectron_spectrum_ (double *estep, double *espan, double *thstep, double *thspan, double *phstep, double *phspan, double *pol, double *center, double *pvec, int *integrate)


int __leaf__

Typedef Documentation

◆ size_t

typedef long unsigned int size_t

Definition at line 51 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __gnuc_va_list

typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list

Definition at line 57 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __u_char

typedef unsigned char __u_char

Definition at line 71 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __u_short

typedef unsigned short int __u_short

Definition at line 72 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __u_int

typedef unsigned int __u_int

Definition at line 73 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __u_long

typedef unsigned long int __u_long

Definition at line 74 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __int8_t

typedef signed char __int8_t

Definition at line 77 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uint8_t

typedef unsigned char __uint8_t

Definition at line 78 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __int16_t

typedef signed short int __int16_t

Definition at line 79 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uint16_t

typedef unsigned short int __uint16_t

Definition at line 80 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __int32_t

typedef signed int __int32_t

Definition at line 81 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uint32_t

typedef unsigned int __uint32_t

Definition at line 82 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __int64_t

typedef signed long int __int64_t

Definition at line 84 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uint64_t

typedef unsigned long int __uint64_t

Definition at line 85 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __int_least8_t

Definition at line 92 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uint_least8_t

Definition at line 93 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __int_least16_t

Definition at line 94 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uint_least16_t

Definition at line 95 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __int_least32_t

Definition at line 96 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uint_least32_t

Definition at line 97 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __int_least64_t

Definition at line 98 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uint_least64_t

Definition at line 99 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __quad_t

typedef long int __quad_t

Definition at line 103 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __u_quad_t

typedef unsigned long int __u_quad_t

Definition at line 104 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __intmax_t

typedef long int __intmax_t

Definition at line 112 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uintmax_t

typedef unsigned long int __uintmax_t

Definition at line 113 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __dev_t

typedef unsigned long int __dev_t

Definition at line 121 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uid_t

typedef unsigned int __uid_t

Definition at line 122 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __gid_t

typedef unsigned int __gid_t

Definition at line 123 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __ino_t

typedef unsigned long int __ino_t

Definition at line 124 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __ino64_t

typedef unsigned long int __ino64_t

Definition at line 125 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __mode_t

typedef unsigned int __mode_t

Definition at line 126 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __nlink_t

typedef unsigned long int __nlink_t

Definition at line 127 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __off_t

typedef long int __off_t

Definition at line 128 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __off64_t

typedef long int __off64_t

Definition at line 129 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __pid_t

typedef int __pid_t

Definition at line 130 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __clock_t

typedef long int __clock_t

Definition at line 132 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __rlim_t

typedef unsigned long int __rlim_t

Definition at line 133 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __rlim64_t

typedef unsigned long int __rlim64_t

Definition at line 134 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __id_t

typedef unsigned int __id_t

Definition at line 135 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __time_t

typedef long int __time_t

Definition at line 136 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __useconds_t

typedef unsigned int __useconds_t

Definition at line 137 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __suseconds_t

typedef long int __suseconds_t

Definition at line 138 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __suseconds64_t

typedef long int __suseconds64_t

Definition at line 139 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __daddr_t

typedef int __daddr_t

Definition at line 141 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __key_t

typedef int __key_t

Definition at line 142 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __clockid_t

typedef int __clockid_t

Definition at line 145 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __timer_t

typedef void* __timer_t

Definition at line 148 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __blksize_t

typedef long int __blksize_t

Definition at line 151 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __blkcnt_t

typedef long int __blkcnt_t

Definition at line 156 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __blkcnt64_t

typedef long int __blkcnt64_t

Definition at line 157 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __fsblkcnt_t

typedef unsigned long int __fsblkcnt_t

Definition at line 160 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __fsblkcnt64_t

typedef unsigned long int __fsblkcnt64_t

Definition at line 161 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __fsfilcnt_t

typedef unsigned long int __fsfilcnt_t

Definition at line 164 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __fsfilcnt64_t

typedef unsigned long int __fsfilcnt64_t

Definition at line 165 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __fsword_t

typedef long int __fsword_t

Definition at line 168 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __ssize_t

typedef long int __ssize_t

Definition at line 170 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __syscall_slong_t

typedef long int __syscall_slong_t

Definition at line 173 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __syscall_ulong_t

typedef unsigned long int __syscall_ulong_t

Definition at line 175 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __loff_t

Definition at line 179 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __caddr_t

typedef char* __caddr_t

Definition at line 180 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __intptr_t

typedef long int __intptr_t

Definition at line 183 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __socklen_t

typedef unsigned int __socklen_t

Definition at line 186 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __sig_atomic_t

typedef int __sig_atomic_t

Definition at line 191 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __fpos_t

typedef struct _G_fpos_t __fpos_t

◆ __fpos64_t

typedef struct _G_fpos64_t __fpos64_t

◆ __FILE

typedef struct _IO_FILE __FILE

Definition at line 233 of file getopt_f.c.


typedef struct _IO_FILE FILE

Definition at line 242 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ _IO_lock_t

typedef void _IO_lock_t

Definition at line 254 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ va_list

Definition at line 313 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ off_t

typedef __off_t off_t

Definition at line 315 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ ssize_t

typedef __ssize_t ssize_t

Definition at line 317 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ fpos_t

typedef __fpos_t fpos_t

Definition at line 324 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ sigset_t

Definition at line 1083 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ suseconds_t

Definition at line 1127 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __fd_mask

typedef long int __fd_mask

Definition at line 1133 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ fd_mask

typedef __fd_mask fd_mask

Definition at line 1153 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ blksize_t

Definition at line 1175 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ blkcnt_t

Definition at line 1182 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ fsblkcnt_t

Definition at line 1186 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ fsfilcnt_t

Definition at line 1190 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __pthread_list_t

◆ __pthread_slist_t

◆ __tss_t

typedef unsigned int __tss_t

Definition at line 1293 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __thrd_t

typedef unsigned long int __thrd_t

Definition at line 1294 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ pthread_t

typedef unsigned long int pthread_t

Definition at line 1304 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ pthread_key_t

typedef unsigned int pthread_key_t

Definition at line 1326 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ pthread_once_t

typedef int pthread_once_t

Definition at line 1330 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ pthread_attr_t

Definition at line 1339 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ pthread_spinlock_t

typedef volatile int pthread_spinlock_t

Definition at line 1380 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __locale_t

typedef struct __locale_struct* __locale_t

Definition at line 2000 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ locale_t

Definition at line 2003 of file getopt_f.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 2441 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 2909 of file getopt_f.c.

Function Documentation

◆ remove()

int remove ( const char *  __filename)

◆ rename()

int rename ( const char *  __old,
const char *  __new 

◆ renameat()

int renameat ( int  __oldfd,
const char *  __old,
int  __newfd,
const char *  __new 

◆ fclose()

int fclose ( FILE __stream)

◆ tmpfile()

FILE * tmpfile ( void  )

Definition at line 349 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __ctype_get_mb_cur_max()

size_t __ctype_get_mb_cur_max ( void  )

Definition at line 790 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __bswap_32()

static __inline __uint32_t __bswap_32 ( __uint32_t  __bsx)

Definition at line 1019 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __bswap_64()

static __extension__ __inline __uint64_t __bswap_64 ( __uint64_t  __bsx)

Definition at line 1029 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uint16_identity()

static __inline __uint16_t __uint16_identity ( __uint16_t  __x)

Definition at line 1041 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uint32_identity()

static __inline __uint32_t __uint32_identity ( __uint32_t  __x)

Definition at line 1047 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ __uint64_identity()

static __inline __uint64_t __uint64_identity ( __uint64_t  __x)

Definition at line 1053 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ select()

int select ( int  __nfds,
fd_set *__restrict  __readfds,
fd_set *__restrict  __writefds,
fd_set *__restrict  __exceptfds,
struct timeval *__restrict  __timeout 

◆ pselect()

int pselect ( int  __nfds,
fd_set *__restrict  __readfds,
fd_set *__restrict  __writefds,
fd_set *__restrict  __exceptfds,
const struct timespec *__restrict  __timeout,
const __sigset_t *__restrict  __sigmask 

◆ random()

long int random ( void  )

Definition at line 1407 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ random_r()

int random_r ( struct random_data *__restrict  __buf,
int32_t *__restrict  __result 

◆ __attribute__() [1/7]

int __leaf__ __attribute__ ( (__nonnull__(1, 2))  )

Definition at line 1934 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ srandom_r()

int srandom_r ( unsigned int  __seed,
struct random_data *  __buf 

◆ __attribute__() [2/7]

int __leaf__ __attribute__ ( (__nonnull__(2))  )

◆ initstate_r()

int initstate_r ( unsigned int  __seed,
char *__restrict  __statebuf,
size_t  __statelen,
struct random_data *__restrict  __buf 

◆ __attribute__() [3/7]

int __leaf__ __attribute__ ( (__nonnull__(2, 4))  )

◆ setstate_r()

int setstate_r ( char *__restrict  __statebuf,
struct random_data *__restrict  __buf 

◆ rand()

int rand ( void  )

Definition at line 1459 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ drand48_r()

int drand48_r ( struct drand48_data *__restrict  __buffer,
double *__restrict  __result 

◆ erand48_r()

int erand48_r ( unsigned short int  __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict  __buffer,
double *__restrict  __result 

◆ lrand48_r()

int lrand48_r ( struct drand48_data *__restrict  __buffer,
long int *__restrict  __result 

◆ nrand48_r()

int nrand48_r ( unsigned short int  __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict  __buffer,
long int *__restrict  __result 

◆ mrand48_r()

int mrand48_r ( struct drand48_data *__restrict  __buffer,
long int *__restrict  __result 

◆ jrand48_r()

int jrand48_r ( unsigned short int  __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict  __buffer,
long int *__restrict  __result 

◆ srand48_r()

int srand48_r ( long int  __seedval,
struct drand48_data *  __buffer 

◆ seed48_r()

int seed48_r ( unsigned short int  __seed16v[3],
struct drand48_data *  __buffer 

◆ lcong48_r()

int lcong48_r ( unsigned short int  __param[7],
struct drand48_data *  __buffer 

◆ arc4random()

__uint32_t arc4random ( void  )

Definition at line 1543 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ getopt_long()

int getopt_long ( int  ___argc,
char *const *  ___argv,
const char *  __shortopts,
const struct option *  __longopts,
int *  __longind 

◆ __attribute__() [4/7]

int __leaf__ __attribute__ ( (__nonnull__(2, 3))  )

◆ getopt_long_only()

int getopt_long_only ( int  ___argc,
char *const *  ___argv,
const char *  __shortopts,
const struct option *  __longopts,
int *  __longind 

◆ memcpy()

void * memcpy ( void *__restrict  __dest,
const void *__restrict  __src,
size_t  __n 

◆ memmove()

void * memmove ( void *  __dest,
const void *  __src,
size_t  __n 

◆ memccpy()

void * memccpy ( void *__restrict  __dest,
const void *__restrict  __src,
int  __c,
size_t  __n 

◆ strcoll_l()

int strcoll_l ( const char *  __s1,
const char *  __s2,
locale_t  __l 

◆ __attribute__() [5/7]

int __leaf__ __attribute__ ( (__pure__)  )

Definition at line 2008 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ pathconf()

long int pathconf ( const char *  __path,
int  __name 

◆ __attribute__() [6/7]

long int __leaf__ __attribute__ ( (__nonnull__(1))  )

◆ fpathconf()

long int fpathconf ( int  __fd,
int  __name 

◆ sysconf()

long int sysconf ( int  __name)

◆ confstr()

size_t confstr ( int  __name,
char *  __buf,
size_t  __len 

◆ __attribute__() [7/7]

size_t __leaf__ __attribute__ ( (__access__(__write_only__, 2, 3))  )

◆ getpid()

__pid_t getpid ( void  )

Definition at line 3072 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ set_clarg_()

void set_clarg_ ( int *  i,
char *  arg,
unsigned long  l1 

Definition at line 3417 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ clean_clarg_()

void clean_clarg_ ( )

Definition at line 3423 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ oscillator_strength_help()

void oscillator_strength_help ( )

Definition at line 3431 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ getopt_oscillator_strength_()

void getopt_oscillator_strength_ ( int *  mode,
double *  omega,
double *  searchinterval,
int *  order,
int *  nresonances,
int *  nfrequencies,
double *  time,
int *  l,
int *  m,
double *  damping,
char *  ffile,
unsigned long  l1 

Definition at line 3504 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ harmonic_spectrum_help()

void harmonic_spectrum_help ( )

Definition at line 3592 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ getopt_harmonic_spectrum_()

void getopt_harmonic_spectrum_ ( double *  w0,
int *  m,
int *  ar,
double *  x,
double *  y,
double *  z,
char *  pol,
unsigned long  l1 

Definition at line 3640 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ help_help()

void help_help ( )

Definition at line 3743 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ getopt_help_()

void getopt_help_ ( char *  mode,
char *  name,
unsigned long  l1,
unsigned long  l2 

Definition at line 3755 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ octopus_help()

void octopus_help ( )

Definition at line 3831 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ getopt_octopus_()

void getopt_octopus_ ( char *  config_str,
unsigned long  l1 

Definition at line 3841 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ casida_spectrum_help()

void casida_spectrum_help ( )

Definition at line 3895 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ getopt_casida_spectrum_()

void getopt_casida_spectrum_ ( )

Definition at line 3904 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ center_geom_help()

void center_geom_help ( )

Definition at line 3945 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ getopt_center_geom_()

void getopt_center_geom_ ( )

Definition at line 3954 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ dielectric_function_help()

void dielectric_function_help ( )

Definition at line 3995 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ getopt_dielectric_function_()

void getopt_dielectric_function_ ( )

Definition at line 4004 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ propagation_spectrum_help()

void propagation_spectrum_help ( )

Definition at line 4045 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ getopt_propagation_spectrum_()

void getopt_propagation_spectrum_ ( char *  fname,
unsigned long  l1 

Definition at line 4059 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ xyz_anim_help()

void xyz_anim_help ( )

Definition at line 4110 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ getopt_xyz_anim_()

void getopt_xyz_anim_ ( )

Definition at line 4119 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ photoelectron_spectrum_help()

void photoelectron_spectrum_help ( )

Definition at line 4160 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ getopt_photoelectron_spectrum_()

void getopt_photoelectron_spectrum_ ( double *  estep,
double *  espan,
double *  thstep,
double *  thspan,
double *  phstep,
double *  phspan,
double *  pol,
double *  center,
double *  pvec,
int *  integrate 

Definition at line 4198 of file getopt_f.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ stdin

FILE* stdin

◆ stdout

FILE* stdout

◆ stderr

FILE* stderr

◆ __leaf__

long int __leaf__

Definition at line 338 of file getopt_f.c.

◆ div_t

Definition at line 770 of file getopt_f.c.