subroutine, public | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::elec_momentum_me (gr, st, space, kpoints, momentum) |
subroutine, public | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::elec_angular_momentum_me (gr, st, space, ll, l2) |
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::zelec_momentum_me (gr, st, space, kpoints, momentum) |
| The routine calculates the expectation value of the momentum operator. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::zelec_angular_momentum_me (gr, st, space, ll, l2) |
| It calculates the expectation value of the angular momentum of the states. If l2 is passed, it also calculates the expectation value of the square of the angular momentum of the state phi. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::zelec_ks_multipoles_3d_me (gr, st, space, ll, mm, ik, elements) |
| Prints out the multipole matrix elements between KS states. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::zelec_ks_multipoles_2d_me (gr, st, ll, ik, elements) |
| Prints out the dipole matrix elements (X or Y) between single orbitals, in the 1d case. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::zelec_ks_multipoles_1d_me (gr, st, ll, ik, elements) |
| Prints out the multipole matrix elements (X**l) between single orbitals, in the 1d case. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::zelec_dipole_me (gr, st, namespace, hm, ions, ik, st_start, st_end, elements) |
| Computes the dipole matrix elements between KS states. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::zcalculate_expectation_values_matrix (namespace, hm, der, st, eigen, terms, diagonal_states) |
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::zelec_one_body_me (gr, st, namespace, hm, iindex, jindex, oneint) |
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::zelec_two_body_me (gr, st, space, namespace, kpoints, psolver, st_min, st_max, iindex, jindex, kindex, lindex, twoint, phase, singularity, exc_k) |
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::delec_momentum_me (gr, st, space, kpoints, momentum) |
| The routine calculates the expectation value of the momentum operator. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::delec_angular_momentum_me (gr, st, space, ll, l2) |
| It calculates the expectation value of the angular momentum of the states. If l2 is passed, it also calculates the expectation value of the square of the angular momentum of the state phi. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::delec_ks_multipoles_3d_me (gr, st, space, ll, mm, ik, elements) |
| Prints out the multipole matrix elements between KS states. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::delec_ks_multipoles_2d_me (gr, st, ll, ik, elements) |
| Prints out the dipole matrix elements (X or Y) between single orbitals, in the 1d case. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::delec_ks_multipoles_1d_me (gr, st, ll, ik, elements) |
| Prints out the multipole matrix elements (X**l) between single orbitals, in the 1d case. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::delec_dipole_me (gr, st, namespace, hm, ions, ik, st_start, st_end, elements) |
| Computes the dipole matrix elements between KS states. More...
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::dcalculate_expectation_values_matrix (namespace, hm, der, st, eigen, terms, diagonal_states) |
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::delec_one_body_me (gr, st, namespace, hm, iindex, jindex, oneint) |
subroutine | elec_matrix_elements_oct_m::delec_two_body_me (gr, st, space, namespace, kpoints, psolver, st_min, st_max, iindex, jindex, kindex, lindex, twoint, phase, singularity, exc_k) |