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module | dos_oct_m |
| Module that handles computing and output of various density of states.
subroutine, public | dos_oct_m::dos_init (this, namespace, st, kpoints) |
| Initializes the dot_t object. More...
subroutine | dos_oct_m::dos_end (this) |
| Finalizer for the dos_t object. More...
subroutine, public | dos_oct_m::dos_write_dos (this, dir, st, box, ions, mesh, hm, namespace) |
| Computes and output the DOS and the projected DOS (PDOS) More...
subroutine, public | dos_oct_m::dos_write_jdos (this, dir, st, box, ions, mesh, hm, namespace) |
| Computes and output the joint DOS (LDOS) More...
subroutine, public | dos_oct_m::dos_write_ldos (this, dir, st, box, ions, mesh, how, namespace) |
| Computes and output the local DOS (LDOS) More...