subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::derivatives_init (der, namespace, space, coord_system, order) |
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::derivatives_end (der) |
subroutine | derivatives_oct_m::derivatives_get_stencil_lapl (der, space, coord_system) |
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::derivatives_lapl_diag (der, lapl) |
| Returns the diagonal elements of the Laplacian, needed for preconditioning. More...
subroutine | derivatives_oct_m::derivatives_get_stencil_grad (der) |
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::derivatives_build (der, namespace, space, mesh, qvector, regenerate, verbose) |
| build the derivatives object: More...
subroutine | stencil_stars_pol_grad (stencil_type, dim, direction, order, polynomials) |
subroutine | stencil_stars_pol_lapl (stencil_type, stencil, dim, order, polynomials) |
subroutine | derivatives_oct_m::get_rhs_lapl (der, polynomials, rhs) |
subroutine | derivatives_oct_m::get_rhs_grad (der, polynomials, dir, rhs) |
subroutine | derivatives_oct_m::derivatives_make_discretization (namespace, dim, periodic_dim, mesh, masses, pol, rhs, nderiv, op, name, verbose) |
logical function | derivatives_oct_m::derivatives_overlap (this) |
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::derivatives_get_lapl (this, namespace, op, space, name, order) |
logical function, dimension(1:this%mesh%np), public | derivatives_oct_m::derivatives_get_inner_boundary_mask (this) |
| This function tells whether a point in the grid is contained in a layer of the width of the stencil between the last row of points in the grid. More...
real(real64) function, public | derivatives_oct_m::derivatives_lapl_get_max_eigenvalue (this) |
| Get maximum eigenvalue of discrete Laplacian. For the star and star_general stencils, use the Fourier transform of the stencil evaluated at the maximum phase to get an upper bound on the spectrum. For all other stencils, use the upper bound from the continuum. More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_perform (op, der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc, factor) |
| apply a nl_operator to a mesh function More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_lapl (der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc, factor) |
| apply the Laplacian to a mesh function More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_grad (der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc, to_cartesian) |
| apply the gradient to a mesh function More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_partial (der, ff, op_ff, dir, ghost_update, set_bc) |
| apply the partial derivative along dir to a mesh function More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_div (der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc, to_cartesian) |
| apply the divergence operator to a vector of mesh functions More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_curl (der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc) |
| apply the curl operator to a vector of mesh functions More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_test (this, namespace, repetitions, min_blocksize, max_blocksize) |
| unit test for derivatives More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_batch_start (op, der, ff, opff, handle, ghost_update, set_bc, factor) |
| apply a non-local operator to a batch (1st part) More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_batch_finish (handle, async) |
| apply a non-local operator to a batch (2nd part) More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_batch_perform (op, der, ff, opff, ghost_update, set_bc, factor, async) |
| apply an operator to a bach of mesh functions More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_batch_grad (der, ffb, opffb, ghost_update, set_bc, to_cartesian, metric, factor) |
| apply the gradient to a batch of mesh functions More...
subroutine | derivatives_oct_m::dbatch_vector_uvw_to_xyz (der, coord_system, uvw, xyz, metric) |
| transform a vector of batches from affine to cartesian coordinates More...
subroutine | uvw_to_xyz_opencl |
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_batch_curl (der, ffb, ghost_update, set_bc) |
| apply the curl to a batch of mesh functions More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_batch_curl_from_gradient (der, ffb, gradb) |
| calculate the curl from a batch and its gradient More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::dderivatives_batch_div (der, ffb, opffb, ghost_update, set_bc, to_cartesian) |
| calculate the divergence of a vector of batches More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_perform (op, der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc, factor) |
| apply a nl_operator to a mesh function More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_lapl (der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc, factor) |
| apply the Laplacian to a mesh function More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_grad (der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc, to_cartesian) |
| apply the gradient to a mesh function More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_partial (der, ff, op_ff, dir, ghost_update, set_bc) |
| apply the partial derivative along dir to a mesh function More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_div (der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc, to_cartesian) |
| apply the divergence operator to a vector of mesh functions More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_curl (der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc) |
| apply the curl operator to a vector of mesh functions More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_test (this, namespace, repetitions, min_blocksize, max_blocksize) |
| unit test for derivatives More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_batch_start (op, der, ff, opff, handle, ghost_update, set_bc, factor) |
| apply a non-local operator to a batch (1st part) More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_batch_finish (handle, async) |
| apply a non-local operator to a batch (2nd part) More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_batch_perform (op, der, ff, opff, ghost_update, set_bc, factor, async) |
| apply an operator to a bach of mesh functions More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_batch_grad (der, ffb, opffb, ghost_update, set_bc, to_cartesian, metric, factor) |
| apply the gradient to a batch of mesh functions More...
subroutine | derivatives_oct_m::zbatch_vector_uvw_to_xyz (der, coord_system, uvw, xyz, metric) |
| transform a vector of batches from affine to cartesian coordinates More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_batch_curl (der, ffb, ghost_update, set_bc) |
| apply the curl to a batch of mesh functions More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_batch_curl_from_gradient (der, ffb, gradb) |
| calculate the curl from a batch and its gradient More...
subroutine, public | derivatives_oct_m::zderivatives_batch_div (der, ffb, opffb, ghost_update, set_bc, to_cartesian) |
| calculate the divergence of a vector of batches More...