subroutine | centroids_oct_m::centroids_init (this, mesh, positions) |
| Initialise a centroids_t instance. More...
pure integer function | centroids_oct_m::centroids_get_n_centroids (this) |
| Number of centroids in local domain. More...
pure integer function | centroids_oct_m::centroids_get_n_centroids_global (this) |
| Total number of centroids in system. More...
pure integer(int64) function | centroids_oct_m::centroids_global_centroid_to_global_mesh_index (this, ic) |
| Given centroid index ic , return the global mesh index ipg . More...
pure integer(int64) function, dimension(:), allocatable | centroids_oct_m::centroids_global_centroid_to_global_mesh_indices (this) |
| Return global mesh indices for all centroids in this domain. More...
pure integer function | centroids_oct_m::centroids_get_local_mesh_index (this, ic) |
| Get the mesh index ip of centroid ic in this domain. More...
pure integer function, dimension(:), allocatable | centroids_oct_m::centroids_get_local_mesh_indices (this) |
| Return mesh indices ip for all centroids in this domain. More...
pure integer function | centroids_oct_m::centroids_local_index_to_global_index (this, ic) |
| Get the global centroid index, given centroid ic this domain. More...
pure integer function, dimension(:), allocatable | centroids_oct_m::centroids_local_index_to_global_indices (this) |
| Return global centroid indices for all centroids in this domain. More...
pure real(real64) function, dimension(this%ndim) | centroids_oct_m::centroids_get_local_position (this, mesh, ic) |
| Get the position of the centroid ic . More...
pure real(real64) function, dimension(:, :), allocatable | centroids_oct_m::centroids_get_all_positions (this) |
| Return a copy of all centroid positions. More...
subroutine | centroids_oct_m::centroids_finalize (this) |
| Finalize a centroids instance. More...
subroutine | centroids_oct_m::exact_centroids_init_index_maps (this, mesh) |
| Initialise index maps with centroid points that are commensurate with the grid. More...