Go to the source code of this file.
class(box_sphere_t) function, pointer | box_sphere_oct_m::box_sphere_constructor (dim, center, radius, namespace) |
subroutine | box_sphere_oct_m::box_sphere_finalize (this) |
logical function, dimension(1:nn) | box_sphere_oct_m::box_sphere_shape_contains_points (this, nn, xx) |
logical function, dimension(1:nn) | box_sphere_oct_m::box_sphere_shape_get_surface_points (this, namespace, mesh_spacing, nn, xx, number_of_layers) |
| Get a mask for the grid points telling which of them are surface points. More...
subroutine | box_sphere_oct_m::box_sphere_shape_get_surface_point_info (this, point_coordinates, mesh_spacing, normal_vector, surface_element) |
subroutine | box_sphere_oct_m::box_sphere_write_info (this, iunit, namespace) |
character(len=box_info_len) function | box_sphere_oct_m::box_sphere_short_info (this, unit_length) |