box_shape.F90 File Reference

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module  box_shape_oct_m

Data Types

type  box_shape_oct_m::box_shape_t
 Base class for more specialized boxes that are defined by a shape and have a center and basis vectors. More...
interface  box_shape_oct_m::box_shape_shape_contains_points


recursive logical function, dimension(1:nn) box_shape_oct_m::box_shape_contains_points (this, nn, xx)
subroutine, public box_shape_oct_m::box_shape_init (this, namespace, dim, center, bounding_box_min, bounding_box_max, axes)
real(real64) function, dimension(2, this%dim) box_shape_oct_m::box_shape_bounds (this, axes)
 Returns the bounding box of the shape. This is a bounding box aligned with some given axes (if present) or with the Cartesian axes. Note that in both cases we are returning the bounding box of the bounding box aligned with the axes that define the orientation of the shape in space. This is not optimal, but should be acceptable in most cases and in any case it is always possible to override this method in the children class. More...
subroutine, public box_shape_oct_m::box_shape_end (this)