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interface | box_minimum_oct_m::box_minimum_t |
| Class implementing a box that is a union of spheres. We do this in a specific class instead of using the box_union class for performance reasons (although this should be benchmarked at some point). More...
class(box_minimum_t) function, pointer | box_minimum_oct_m::box_minimum_constructor (dim, radius, n_sites, site_position, namespace) |
subroutine | box_minimum_oct_m::box_minimum_finalize (this) |
logical function, dimension(1:nn) | box_minimum_oct_m::box_minimum_shape_contains_points (this, nn, xx) |
subroutine | box_minimum_oct_m::box_minimum_write_info (this, iunit, namespace) |
character(len=box_info_len) function | box_minimum_oct_m::box_minimum_short_info (this, unit_length) |