Go to the source code of this file.
subroutine, public | atom_oct_m::atom_init (this, dim, label, species) |
subroutine | atom_oct_m::atom_copy (atom_out, atom_in) |
impure elemental subroutine | atom_oct_m::atom_finalize (this) |
pure character(len=len_trim(adjustl(this%label))) function, public | atom_oct_m::atom_get_label (this) |
subroutine, public | atom_oct_m::atom_set_species (this, species) |
subroutine, public | atom_oct_m::atom_get_species (this, species) |
elemental logical function | atom_oct_m::atom_same_species_aa (this, that) |
elemental logical function | atom_oct_m::atom_same_species_as (this, species) |
pure logical function, public | atom_oct_m::all_species_are_jellium_slab (atom) |
| Check if all species are jellium slab. More...
pure logical function, public | atom_oct_m::any_species_is_jellium_sphere (atom) |
| Check if any species is a jellium sphere. More...