Match comparison for wf-st00001.plane_x 36 value (match type 29097)
General information
Reference |
Precision |
Mean |
Standard deviation |
Midpoint |
Half width |
Status |
2.660223338101610e-02 |
1.000000000000000e-06 |
2.660263797736577e-02 |
4.744397351089580e-17 |
2.660263797736575e-02 |
5.030698080332741e-17 |
Checks for this match
- MPI builders have different values.
Zen 4 builders have different values.
- Mid point of values far away from reference. Recentering may be necessary.
Detailed information
Reference: 0.0266022333810161, precision: 0.000001