Match comparison for Pressure (H/b^3) (match type 28277)
General information
Reference | Precision | Mean | Standard deviation | Midpoint | Half width | Status |
7.884963360000000e-04 | 8.930000000000000e-04 | 9.600384576375860e-04 | 3.697232545104890e-04 | 6.152094593949999e-04 | 6.199026106050000e-04 | PASS |
Checks for this match
- GPU builders have different values.
- Precision seems too large.
- Mid point of values far away from reference. Recentering may be necessary.
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Detailed information
Reference: 0.000788496336, precision: 0.000893Run | Value | Difference | Relative difference | Status |
foss_min_autotools: [foss2022a-serial] | 1.134654370000000e-03 | 3.461580339999999e-04 | 3.876349764837625e-01 | PASS |
foss_min_autotools: [foss2023a-serial] | 1.134654370000000e-03 | 3.461580339999999e-04 | 3.876349764837625e-01 | PASS |
foss_min_autotools: [foss2023b-serial] | 1.134654370000000e-03 | 3.461580339999999e-04 | 3.876349764837625e-01 | PASS |
foss_autotools: [foss2023a-serial] | 1.134654370000000e-03 | 3.461580339999999e-04 | 3.876349764837625e-01 | PASS |
foss_autotools: [foss2022a-serial] | 1.134654370000000e-03 | 3.461580339999999e-04 | 3.876349764837625e-01 | PASS |
foss_autotools: [foss2023b-serial] | 1.134654370000000e-03 | 3.461580339999999e-04 | 3.876349764837625e-01 | PASS |
foss_opt_autotools: [foss2023a-serial] | 1.134654370000000e-03 | 3.461580339999999e-04 | 3.876349764837625e-01 | PASS |
foss_mpi_min_autotools: [foss2022a-mpi] | 1.126266700000000e-03 | 3.377703639999999e-04 | 3.782422889137736e-01 | PASS |
foss_omp_autotools: [foss2023a-serial] | 2.012993310000000e-05 | -7.683664029000001e-04 | -8.604327020156776e-01 | PASS |
foss_debug_autotools: [foss2023a-serial] | 1.134654370000000e-03 | 3.461580339999999e-04 | 3.876349764837625e-01 | PASS |
foss_ppc_autotools: [foss2022a-serial] | -4.693151210000000e-06 | -7.931894872100000e-04 | -8.882301088577828e-01 | PASS |
foss_mpi_min_autotools: [foss2023a-mpi] | 1.126266700000000e-03 | 3.377703639999999e-04 | 3.782422889137736e-01 | PASS |
intel_autotools: [intel2023a-serial] | 3.800951220000000e-04 | -4.084012140000000e-04 | -4.573361858902576e-01 | PASS |
foss_cmake: [foss2022a-serial, foss-min] | 1.134654370000000e-03 | 3.461580339999999e-04 | 3.876349764837625e-01 | PASS |
foss_mpi_autotools: [foss2022a-mpi] | 1.131990810000000e-03 | 3.434944740000000e-04 | 3.846522665173572e-01 | PASS |
foss_mpi_autotools: [foss2023a-mpi] | 1.131990810000000e-03 | 3.434944740000000e-04 | 3.846522665173572e-01 | PASS |
foss_cmake: [foss2022a-serial, foss-full] | 1.134654370000000e-03 | 3.461580339999999e-04 | 3.876349764837625e-01 | PASS |
foss_mpi_opt_autotools: [foss2023a-mpi] | 1.131990810000000e-03 | 3.434944740000000e-04 | 3.846522665173572e-01 | PASS |
intel_omp_autotools: [intel2022a-serial] | 5.032130000000000e-04 | -2.852833360000001e-04 | -3.194662217245242e-01 | PASS |
intel_omp_autotools: [intel2023a-serial] | 1.134922400000000e-03 | 3.464260639999999e-04 | 3.879351220604702e-01 | PASS |
foss_cmake: [foss2022a-mpi, foss-full-mpi] | 1.131990810000000e-03 | 3.434944740000000e-04 | 3.846522665173572e-01 | PASS |
foss_mpi_debug_autotools: [foss2023a-mpi] | 1.131990810000000e-03 | 3.434944740000000e-04 | 3.846522665173572e-01 | PASS |
intel_mpi_autotools: [intel2023a-mpi] | 2.405296460000000e-05 | -7.644433714000000e-04 | -8.560396096304591e-01 | PASS |
foss_cmake: [foss2022a-mpi, foss-min-mpi] | 1.126266700000000e-03 | 3.377703639999999e-04 | 3.782422889137736e-01 | PASS |
foss_mpi_omp_autotools: [foss2023a-mpi] | 1.111956350000000e-03 | 3.234600140000000e-04 | 3.622172609182530e-01 | PASS |
intel_mpi_omp_autotools: [intel2022a-mpi] | 1.083438540000000e-03 | 2.949422039999999e-04 | 3.302824232922731e-01 | PASS |
foss_valgrind_autotools: [foss2023a-serial] | 8.295071230000000e-04 | 4.101078699999996e-05 | 4.592473348264273e-02 | PASS |
foss_cuda_autotools: [foss2022a-cuda-mpi] | 1.138083070000000e-03 | 3.495867339999999e-04 | 3.914745061590145e-01 | PASS |
foss_cuda_mpi_omp_autotools: [foss2022a-cuda-mpi] | 1.235112070000000e-03 | 4.466157339999999e-04 | 5.001296013437849e-01 | PASS |