Match comparison for Force 1 (z) (match type 30247)
General information
Reference | Precision | Mean | Standard deviation | Midpoint | Half width | Status |
1.223305860000000e-11 | 1.130000000000000e-10 | -1.329608094491228e-11 | 2.150677122462101e-11 | -1.586120130000000e-11 | 7.460631500000000e-11 | PASS |
Checks for this match
- Precision seems large and value close to zero. Should value be 0?
- Mid point of values far away from reference. Recentering may be necessary.
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Detailed information
Reference: 0.0000000000122330586, precision: 0.000000000113Run | Value | Difference | Relative difference | Status |
GCI_foss_min_autotools: [foss2023a-serial] | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_opt_autotools: [foss2023a-serial] | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_full_serial | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_autotools: [foss2022a-serial] | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_autotools: [foss2023b-serial] | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_mpi_opt_autotools: [foss2023a-mpi] | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_min | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_serial_min | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_ppc | -6.357065210000000e-12 | -1.859012381000000e-11 | -1.645143700000000e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_serial | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
GCI_intel_omp_autotools: [intel2022a-serial] | -3.881896310000000e-11 | -5.105202170000000e-11 | -4.517878026548673e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_min_mpi | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss-cmake: [foss2022a-serial, foss-min] | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_mpi_min_autotools: [foss2022a-mpi] | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_debug_autotools: [foss2023a-serial] | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_mpi_min | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_min | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_mpi_autotools: [foss2022a-mpi] | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_ppc_autotools: [foss2022a-serial] | -6.357065210000000e-12 | -1.859012381000000e-11 | -1.645143700000000e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_full_mpi | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_opt | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_min_serial | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_debug | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_mpi | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_mpi_debug_autotools: [foss2023a-mpi] | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_min_autotools: [foss2023b-serial] | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_debug | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_omp | -1.837757410000000e-11 | -3.061063270000000e-11 | -2.708905548672567e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_autotools: [foss2023a-serial] | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_min_autotools: [foss2022a-serial] | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_cuda_mpi_omp | 5.874511370000000e-11 | 4.651205510000000e-11 | 4.116111070796460e-01 | PASS |
GCI_intel_autotools: [intel2023a-serial] | -1.665879320000000e-11 | -2.889185180000000e-11 | -2.556801044247788e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_mpi_autotools: [foss2023a-mpi] | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_opt | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_mpi_min_autotools: [foss2023a-mpi] | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_omp_autotools: [foss2023a-serial] | -9.046751630000000e-11 | -1.027005749000000e-10 | -9.088546451327435e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_omp | -9.046751630000000e-11 | -1.027005749000000e-10 | -9.088546451327435e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss-cmake: [foss2022a-serial, foss-full] | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023b_serial | -7.439346840000000e-12 | -1.967240544000000e-11 | -1.740920835398230e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_serial | -1.665879320000000e-11 | -2.889185180000000e-11 | -2.556801044247788e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2022a_serial_omp | -3.881896310000000e-11 | -5.105202170000000e-11 | -4.517878026548673e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss-cmake: [foss2022a-mpi, foss-min-mpi] | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
GCI_intel_omp_autotools: [intel2023a-serial] | -5.586207540000000e-12 | -1.781926614000000e-11 | -1.576926207079646e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_serial_omp | -5.586207540000000e-12 | -1.781926614000000e-11 | -1.576926207079646e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_cuda_autotools: [foss2022a-cuda-mpi] | -2.301742250000000e-11 | -3.525048110000000e-11 | -3.119511601769912e-01 | PASS |
GCI_intel_mpi_autotools: [intel2023a-mpi] | -1.666301500000000e-11 | -2.889607360000000e-11 | -2.557174654867257e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_impi | -1.666301500000000e-11 | -2.889607360000000e-11 | -2.557174654867257e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_mpi_omp_autotools: [foss2023a-mpi] | -1.837757410000000e-11 | -3.061063270000000e-11 | -2.708905548672567e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss-cmake: [foss2022a-mpi, foss-full-mpi] | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss-cmake: [foss2023a-mpi, foss-min-mpi] | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss-cmake: [foss2023a-mpi, foss-full-mpi] | -1.216909600000000e-11 | -2.440215460000000e-11 | -2.159482707964602e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2022a_impi_omp | -4.154120470000000e-11 | -5.377426330000000e-11 | -4.758784362831859e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_cuda_serial | -2.301742250000000e-11 | -3.525048110000000e-11 | -3.119511601769912e-01 | PASS |
GCI_intel_mpi_omp_autotools: [intel2022a-mpi] | -4.154120470000000e-11 | -5.377426330000000e-11 | -4.758784362831859e-01 | PASS |
GCI_foss_cuda_mpi_omp_autotools: [foss2022a-cuda-mpi] | 5.874511370000000e-11 | 4.651205510000000e-11 | 4.116111070796460e-01 | PASS |