Match comparison for Total force (match type 20927)
General information
Reference | Precision | Mean | Standard deviation | Midpoint | Half width | Status |
-1.517883040000000e-16 | 2.950000000000000e-16 | -1.929260321750000e-16 | 1.103585260752459e-16 | -1.370431545000000e-16 | 2.619432445000000e-16 | PASS |
Checks for this match
Intel® builders have different values.
- Precision seems large and value close to zero. Should value be 0?
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Detailed information
Reference: -0.00000000000000015178830400000004, precision: 0.000000000000000295Run | Value | Difference | Relative difference | Status |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_opt | -1.977584760000000e-16 | -4.597017199999997e-17 | -1.558310915254236e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial | -1.752070710000000e-16 | -2.341876699999996e-17 | -7.938565084745748e-02 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023b_serial | -1.752070710000000e-16 | -2.341876699999996e-17 | -7.938565084745748e-02 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_serial | -3.226585670000000e-16 | -1.708702630000000e-16 | -5.792212305084744e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_ppc | 1.249000900000000e-16 | 2.766883940000000e-16 | 9.379267593220340e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_full_mpi | -2.203098810000000e-16 | -6.852157699999995e-17 | -2.322765322033897e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_min | -2.341876690000000e-16 | -8.239936499999998e-17 | -2.793198813559322e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_omp | -1.647987300000000e-16 | -1.301042599999996e-17 | -4.410313898305070e-02 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_debug | -1.752070710000000e-16 | -2.341876699999996e-17 | -7.938565084745748e-02 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_opt | -2.203098810000000e-16 | -6.852157699999995e-17 | -2.322765322033897e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2022a_serial_omp | -3.434752480000000e-16 | -1.916869440000000e-16 | -6.497862508474574e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_serial_omp | -3.434752480000000e-16 | -1.916869440000000e-16 | -6.497862508474574e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_cuda_serial | -6.765421560000000e-17 | 8.413408840000003e-17 | 2.852002996610171e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_impi | -3.989863990000000e-16 | -2.471980950000000e-16 | -8.379596440677964e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_cuda_mpi_omp | -5.724587470000000e-17 | 9.454242930000003e-17 | 3.204828111864408e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_omp | -2.099015410000000e-16 | -5.811323699999997e-17 | -1.969940237288134e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_min_serial | -1.977584760000000e-16 | -4.597017199999997e-17 | -1.558310915254236e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_min_mpi | -1.387778780000000e-16 | 1.301042600000003e-17 | 4.410313898305095e-02 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_serial_min | -1.752070710000000e-16 | -2.341876699999996e-17 | -7.938565084745748e-02 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_serial | -1.752070710000000e-16 | -2.341876699999996e-17 | -7.938565084745748e-02 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_mpi_min | -2.341876690000000e-16 | -8.239936499999998e-17 | -2.793198813559322e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_mpi | -2.341876690000000e-16 | -8.239936499999998e-17 | -2.793198813559322e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2022a_impi_omp | -3.018418850000000e-16 | -1.500535810000000e-16 | -5.086562067796608e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi | -2.341876690000000e-16 | -8.239936499999998e-17 | -2.793198813559322e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_full_serial | -1.977584760000000e-16 | -4.597017199999997e-17 | -1.558310915254236e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_min | -1.752070710000000e-16 | -2.341876699999996e-17 | -7.938565084745748e-02 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_debug | -2.341876690000000e-16 | -8.239936499999998e-17 | -2.793198813559322e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_valgrind | 7.806255640000000e-17 | 2.298508604000000e-16 | 7.791554589830509e-01 | PASS |