Match comparison for Forces [step 0] (match type 17860)
General information
Reference | Precision | Mean | Standard deviation | Midpoint | Half width | Status |
8.537491810749601e-02 | 8.799999999999999e-15 | 8.537491810749216e-02 | 1.967201334484336e-15 | 8.537491810749298e-02 | 4.884981308350689e-15 | PASS |
Checks for this match
- Mid point of values far away from reference. Recentering may be necessary.
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Detailed information
Reference: 0.085374918107496, precision: 0.0000000000000088Run | Value | Difference | Relative difference | Status |
spack_foss-2022a_serial_min | 8.537491810749254e-02 | -3.469446951953614e-15 | -3.942553354492744e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_opt | 8.537491810749342e-02 | -2.581268532253489e-15 | -2.933259695742601e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_min | 8.537491810749254e-02 | -3.469446951953614e-15 | -3.942553354492744e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_serial | 8.537491810749254e-02 | -3.469446951953614e-15 | -3.942553354492744e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial | 8.537491810749254e-02 | -3.469446951953614e-15 | -3.942553354492744e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023b_serial | 8.537491810749254e-02 | -3.469446951953614e-15 | -3.942553354492744e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_ppc | 8.537491810749787e-02 | 1.859623566247137e-15 | 2.113208598008111e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_cuda_serial | 8.537491810749476e-02 | -1.249000902703301e-15 | -1.419319207617388e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_min | 8.537491810749165e-02 | -4.357625371653739e-15 | -4.951847013242886e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_mpi_min | 8.537491810749165e-02 | -4.357625371653739e-15 | -4.951847013242886e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_omp | 8.537491810749209e-02 | -3.913536161803677e-15 | -4.447200183867815e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_debug | 8.537491810749254e-02 | -3.469446951953614e-15 | -3.942553354492744e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_opt | 8.537491810748810e-02 | -7.910339050454240e-15 | -8.989021648243456e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_mpi | 8.537491810749165e-02 | -4.357625371653739e-15 | -4.951847013242886e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi | 8.537491810749165e-02 | -4.357625371653739e-15 | -4.951847013242886e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_cuda_mpi_omp | 8.537491810749342e-02 | -2.581268532253489e-15 | -2.933259695742601e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_debug | 8.537491810749165e-02 | -4.357625371653739e-15 | -4.951847013242886e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_omp | 8.537491810749076e-02 | -5.245803791353865e-15 | -5.961140671993028e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_full_serial | 8.537491810749342e-02 | -2.581268532253489e-15 | -2.933259695742601e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_min_serial | 8.537491810749342e-02 | -2.581268532253489e-15 | -2.933259695742601e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_serial | 8.537491810749165e-02 | -4.357625371653739e-15 | -4.951847013242886e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_min_mpi | 8.537491810748810e-02 | -7.910339050454240e-15 | -8.989021648243456e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_full_mpi | 8.537491810748810e-02 | -7.910339050454240e-15 | -8.989021648243456e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2022a_impi_omp | 8.537491810749076e-02 | -5.245803791353865e-15 | -5.961140671993028e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2022a_serial_omp | 8.537491810749209e-02 | -3.913536161803677e-15 | -4.447200183867815e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_serial_omp | 8.537491810749209e-02 | -3.913536161803677e-15 | -4.447200183867815e-01 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_impi | 8.537491810749209e-02 | -3.913536161803677e-15 | -4.447200183867815e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_valgrind | 8.537491810749476e-02 | -1.249000902703301e-15 | -1.419319207617388e-01 | PASS |