Match comparison for Jy(t=0.2) (match type 1788)
General information
Reference | Precision | Mean | Standard deviation | Midpoint | Half width | Status |
8.131724445486000e-20 | 1.000000000000000e-04 | 2.583676653009856e-18 | 2.820733564159227e-18 | 4.199994376994982e-18 | 5.247921210104724e-18 | PASS |
Checks for this match
- Precision seems large and value close to zero. Should value be 0?
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Detailed information
Reference: 0.00000000000000000008131724445486, precision: 0.0001Run | Value | Difference | Relative difference | Status |
spack_foss-2022a_serial_min | -2.277341107470885e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-15 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_min | -2.277341107470885e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-15 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial | -2.277341107470885e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-15 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_opt | 8.508617825808734e-19 | 7.695445381260134e-19 | 7.695445381260134e-15 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_serial | -2.277341107470885e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-15 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023b_serial | -2.277341107470885e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-15 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_ppc | 1.866927078310020e-18 | 1.785609833855160e-18 | 1.785609833855160e-14 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_mpi_min | 3.308906655650726e-18 | 3.227589411195866e-18 | 3.227589411195866e-14 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_min | 3.308906655650726e-18 | 3.227589411195866e-18 | 3.227589411195866e-14 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_debug | -2.277341107470885e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-19 | -3.090513552019485e-15 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_serial_omp | 2.159368216469743e-18 | 2.078050972014883e-18 | 2.078050972014882e-14 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_cuda_serial | 5.726207132690322e-18 | 5.644889888235462e-18 | 5.644889888235462e-14 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_opt | 7.496883983561944e-18 | 7.415566739107083e-18 | 7.415566739107083e-14 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_mpi | 3.308906655650726e-18 | 3.227589411195866e-18 | 3.227589411195866e-14 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi | 3.308906655650726e-18 | 3.227589411195866e-18 | 3.227589411195866e-14 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_full_mpi | 7.496883983561944e-18 | 7.415566739107083e-18 | 7.415566739107083e-14 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_cuda_mpi_omp | 9.447915587099707e-18 | 9.366598342644847e-18 | 9.366598342644847e-14 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_debug | 3.308906655650726e-18 | 3.227589411195866e-18 | 3.227589411195866e-14 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_mpi_omp | -1.047926833109741e-18 | -1.129244077564601e-18 | -1.129244077564601e-14 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_min_serial | 8.508617825808734e-19 | 7.695445381260134e-19 | 7.695445381260134e-15 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_full_serial | 8.508617825808734e-19 | 7.695445381260134e-19 | 7.695445381260134e-15 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_min_mpi | 7.496883983561944e-18 | 7.415566739107083e-18 | 7.415566739107083e-14 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_serial | 4.596386561323366e-18 | 4.515069316868506e-18 | 4.515069316868505e-14 | PASS |
spack_intel-2022a_serial_omp | 3.838835955434396e-18 | 3.757518710979535e-18 | 3.757518710979535e-14 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_serial_omp | 3.838835955434396e-18 | 3.757518710979535e-18 | 3.757518710979535e-14 | PASS |
spack_intel-2023a_impi | -2.011675874635446e-19 | -2.824848319184046e-19 | -2.824848319184047e-15 | PASS |
spack_intel-2022a_impi_omp | 1.192334252872970e-18 | 1.111017008418110e-18 | 1.111017008418110e-14 | PASS |
spack_foss-2023a_valgrind | 7.038640530147810e-19 | 6.225468085599211e-19 | 6.225468085599211e-15 | PASS |