Match comparison for AkE kpt 1 (match type 23568)
General information
Reference | Precision | Mean | Standard deviation | Midpoint | Half width | Status |
1.313019054910000e-01 | 9.490000000000000e-08 | 1.313018673099815e-01 | 2.658805930685634e-08 | 1.313018940865000e-01 | 5.715539999617825e-08 | PASS |
Checks for this match
- Mid point of values far away from reference. Recentering may be necessary.
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Detailed information
Reference: 0.131301905491, precision: 0.0000000949Run | Value | Difference | Relative difference | Status |
foss-2022a_ppc | 1.313019512419000e-01 | 4.575090001290860e-08 | 4.820958905469822e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_full_serial | 1.313018384214000e-01 | -6.706959998492579e-08 | -7.067397258685542e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_min_serial | 1.313018384214000e-01 | -6.706959998492579e-08 | -7.067397258685542e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_serial | 1.313018384214000e-01 | -6.706959998492579e-08 | -7.067397258685542e-01 | PASS |
intel-2022b | 1.313018926746000e-01 | -1.281639999684003e-08 | -1.350516332649108e-01 | PASS |
intel-2022a | 1.313018926746000e-01 | -1.281639999684003e-08 | -1.350516332649108e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_min_mpi | 1.313018448861000e-01 | -6.060489998738205e-08 | -6.386185457047635e-01 | PASS |
cmake_foss_2022a_full_mpi | 1.313018448861000e-01 | -6.060489998738205e-08 | -6.386185457047635e-01 | PASS |
eb_foss-2022a | 1.313018828044000e-01 | -2.268659998749811e-08 | -2.390579556111498e-01 | PASS |
eb_fosscuda-2022a | 1.313018369311000e-01 | -6.855989997944789e-08 | -7.224436246517165e-01 | PASS |
intel-2022a_omp | 1.313018815101000e-01 | -2.398089998800756e-08 | -2.526965225290576e-01 | PASS |
intel-2022b_impi | 1.313018811041000e-01 | -2.438689999939569e-08 | -2.569747102149177e-01 | PASS |
intel-2022a_impi | 1.313018811041000e-01 | -2.438689999939569e-08 | -2.569747102149177e-01 | PASS |
eb_foss-2022a_debug | 1.313018828044000e-01 | -2.268659998749811e-08 | -2.390579556111498e-01 | PASS |
eb_foss-2022a_mpi | 1.313018772049000e-01 | -2.828609999006026e-08 | -2.980621706012673e-01 | PASS |
eb_foss-2022a_mpi_debug | 1.313018772049000e-01 | -2.828609999006026e-08 | -2.980621706012673e-01 | PASS |
eb_foss-2022b_libxc6 | 1.313018930639000e-01 | -1.242709998794389e-08 | -1.309494203155310e-01 | PASS |
foss-2022a_opt | 1.313018828044000e-01 | -2.268659998749811e-08 | -2.390579556111498e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_serial_min | 1.313018384214000e-01 | -6.706959998492579e-08 | -7.067397258685542e-01 | PASS |
foss-2022a_omp | 1.313018838609000e-01 | -2.163009998890075e-08 | -2.279251842876792e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_serial_debug | 1.313018384214000e-01 | -6.706959998492579e-08 | -7.067397258685542e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_serial_opt | 1.313018384214000e-01 | -6.706959998492579e-08 | -7.067397258685542e-01 | PASS |
intel-2022a_omp_impi | 1.313018404694000e-01 | -6.502159999310919e-08 | -6.851591147851338e-01 | PASS |
eb_foss-2022b_libxc6_mpi | 1.313018736809000e-01 | -3.181009999853046e-08 | -3.351959957695518e-01 | PASS |
spack_foss-2022a_serial_omp | 1.313018737776000e-01 | -3.171339998941924e-08 | -3.341770283395074e-01 | PASS |
eb_fosscuda-2022a_mpi_omp | 1.313018432473000e-01 | -6.224369999974222e-08 | -6.558872497338485e-01 | PASS |
foss-2022a_mpi_omp | 1.313018689054000e-01 | -3.658559999397681e-08 | -3.855173866593974e-01 | PASS |